• The KillerFrogs

FWST: A day after being let go, Gary Patterson shows up to work for TCU football


Active Member
I don't think it's a big deal and maybe the story is being misrepresented a bit, but again, why not just agree to coach the rest of the year? That would be the loyal thing to do, no?
Yes, coaching out the season would probably have been the best way to handle this. That way, we could have had a Thanks Gary Day at the KU game and he would have been there for Senior Day. Maybe that'll still happen...


Active Member
Have you been under a rock? His staff is made up almost entirely of his friends (undeniable fact) and when offered the chance to coach the last 4 games he basically told the admins to F off and walked out (I haven’t seen one representation of what happened that says anything other than that occurred).

So, he has just been "hanging out with his friends" at the office like Ron Burgundy and the news team for the last 4 or 5 years?

He "basically told them" but he didn't, unless you have a wire tap in the room?

I see now you say he "walked out" and not "stormed out"

Strange hill to die on.


Full Member
Well he is the only way we moved the ball this year if you watch the game. if we go get a big time coach he will stay.
LOL. I've watched every game. Kendre Miller moves it just as well.

Again, if Evans isn't gone after this year, he's gone after next. Who cares if he leaves, we'll find players.

Moose Stuff

Active Member
So, he has just been "hanging out with his friends" at the office like Ron Burgundy and the news team for the last 4 or 5 years?

He "basically told them" but he didn't, unless you have a wire tap in the room?

I see now you say he "walked out" and not "stormed out"

Strange hill to die on.
I’m not dying on any hill. What he did is bizarre to me. The end. I’ve lost interest in continuing to explain that to you.


Tier 1
Doesn’t make it any less bizarre. Storm out one day and show back up the next. In what other job could that possibly be considered normal behavior???
Could be that there are very few jobs like coaching college football.

Lots of things happen at TCU that may not go on in other places. In my experience we’ve always been a close knit little place that people care about others (where it seems to veer off course with people on this board). I know this is a apocryphal, but my mother died during mid terms during my senior year and I was kind of running around like a chicken with its head cut off. Dr Fay in Mass Communications told me to not to be stupid go home and be with my family. Not only did he talk with all my profs, but went to Dr Moudy. I was given my grades to that point and when we showed up at the funeral, there were flowers and cards from all my teachers and a huge purple floral display from the university. That was almost 50 years ago. I’d like to think that atmosphere is still what TCU is all about. Can you imagine the same happening at big state U? I’ve never forgotten it.

I think his employers didn’t find it a pleasant experience to have to let GP go and have given him a lot of deserved leeway.

GP may not be a perfect human. Few of us come close. He made a lot of money, sure. But I can say from experience that money is not what you think about when someone tells you your not good enough anymore. The man put a sweat and energy into doing his best for TCU and (just my opinion of course) I think we should cut him a little slack.
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Active Member
Is something like this even allowed? He's no longer part of the program so it's like an advisor kind of? I could see Baylor throwing a fit over this. Hopefully it's just a feel good story.
LOL. I've watched every game. Kendre Miller moves it just as well.

Again, if Evans isn't gone after this year, he's gone after next. Who cares if he leaves, we'll find players.
god forbid we dont try our hardest to keep a generational talent.. Oh I forgot we are tcu and everyone wants to come and play here. News flash its time to wake up... the last 4 years has proved we cant find too many good players to WIN. Our offensive and defensive line have been horrid and they continue to get worse and worse. Max goes out there every week and gets killed. KEEPING him will make this job more attractive because there will be some talent on the team.


Active Member
LOL. I've watched every game. Kendre Miller moves it just as well.

Again, if Evans isn't gone after this year, he's gone after next. Who cares if he leaves, we'll find players.

imagine thinking 1 stud running back is enough for a college football team in the year 2021.


Full Member
imagine thinking 1 stud running back is enough for a college football team in the year 2021.
We'll get players.

Where this program is right now, Evans moving on will be addition by subtraction...unless he is willing to completely buy into the new coaches program, which I highly doubt he's going to be willing to do.

Again, this isn't fantasy football. And he's a part-time player anyway.

Pharm Frog

Full Member
bro, why are you already this angry?

Imagine your boss was in charge of a project this week. He gets fired and youre left to finish the project in a short amount of time which you werent prepared for. The boss understands that, and comes back just to give the details of what he was leading and you were helping to work on. Now, you can look over the notes and throw them away or use them on Saturday as help.

Calm down Alice.

I’m not angry nor in need of calm. Pulse rate is 62 BPM. I just think it’s inappropriate.

Frozen Frog

Active Member
It is a bit odd, but I don't think it is fully uncommon. I could see Coach Patterson moving in to a Coach Emeritus position similar to what the Vikings have done with Bud Grant. I think a lot of coaches out there would appreciate his input.


Active Member
Gary is gone. Who gives a [ Finebaum ] if he comes back in the office? Our admins seem pleased that he is. What’s bizarre is the fans who have created such a raging (rhymes with loner) for GP that he cannot show his face on campus ever again. Repeat, the GP era is over.


Full Member
Completely disagree. Having Evans and Miller is necessary, huge drop-off after those two guys.
We'll find players. What we need more than anything right now is guys committed to the team and committed to the new coach.

Yeah, maybe I'm old-fashioned, but the culture on this team absolutely sucks and that's the first thing that needs to change. And the new coach needs guys to be bought in. Just look 90 minutes south of us. And if you think Evans is a good team culture guy, let's just agree to disagree. We've got the 1-2 punch of Evans and Miller right now and we absolutely suck. And Evans is not going to be in FW the next time we are good.