Anyone watch Taylor Sheridan’s newest show, Landman, yet? Im not gonna say it’s good but I’m not gonna say it’s bad either. ‘Course I always wind up thinking his shows are wretched the longer they go on.
You get some nice shots of FTW, here and there. You do get a TCU track shot in episode 2. Having lived in West Texas, FTW, and worked in the patch for a nanosecond, I definitely notice/know people that each character represents. I think that’s why I’m gonna continue watching for a bit but I don’t have high hopes.
Episode 2 will also make you not want a daughter like……EVER. Couldn’t help but think the boyfriend reminded me of some Aledo players haha. And I’m sure it’s the point but good lord, Billy Bob Thornton looks about as beat up and wore down as one can get.