The good news is that after the surgery my right eye will be much closer to my left eye and I won't need a strong lens prescription anymore.
So, how‘d it go?I'm having cataract surgery on my right eye tomorrow morning and would appreciate any thoughts and prayers.
I know it is a pretty normal surgery these days but I am still a little scared about having my eye cut open even a tiny bit.
The good news is that after the surgery my right eye will be much closer to my left eye and I won't need a strong lens prescription anymore.
Dr.Pepper and Whataburger. I knew there was something about you that I liked.The surgery went well.
I went in to the surgery suite at 7:17 am and was home by 830 am and that included a stop at Whataburger to pick up breakfast.
The nurses told me that I wouldn't remember anything but I remember it all.
A lot of purple light and other colors then a moment of darkness when I'm guessing my lens was replaced.
Plus I couldfeel a lot of cold water which was them cleaning out my eye.
Afterwards, they offered me a drink and I picked Dr Pepper. Got home and was kind of upset that they wisked me out of there without even giving me my drink.
Got home with the surgery bag they had given me when I paid for the surgery and was digging around to find my medicated eyedrops and there was a can of Dr Pepper in there.
Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers.
Just curious. Did your Med insurance cover the Dr. pepper and/or the Whataburger?The surgery went well.
I went in to the surgery suite at 7:17 am and was home by 830 am and that included a stop at Whataburger to pick up breakfast.
The nurses told me that I wouldn't remember anything but I remember it all.
A lot of purple light and other colors then a moment of darkness when I'm guessing my lens was replaced.
Plus I couldfeel a lot of cold water which was them cleaning out my eye.
Afterwards, they offered me a drink and I picked Dr Pepper. Got home and was kind of upset that they wisked me out of there without even giving me my drink.
Got home with the surgery bag they had given me when I paid for the surgery and was digging around to find my medicated eyedrops and there was a can of Dr Pepper in there.
Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers.
Don't know about the Dr Pepper but the Whataburger was on me. Had to buy my driver breakfast also.Just curious. Did your Med insurance cover the Dr. pepper and/or the Whataburger?
Can't tell you how relieved I am to hear this.Got home with the surgery bag they had given me when I paid for the surgery and was digging around to find my medicated eyedrops and there was a can of Dr Pepper in there.
Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers.