• The KillerFrogs

OT - Movies thread


Full Member
Worst movie I ever saw at a theater:
The Pokemon Movie (with the short film Pikachu's Vacation)
I was post 24 hour trauma call and went with the family. We were poor because I was a resident and it really burned me to pay that much money for something that terrible. I didn't leave, but did take a couple of brief naps. Just awful.
Spy Kids 2 was right up there with it. Just 100% garbage.
It is much harder to walk out when you have spent a bunch of money on tickets and snacks for the whole family. Plus, the kids didn't hate it nearly as much as I did.

Prince of Purpoole II

Reigning Smartarse
Which brings up an interesting question. During which movies have you walked out of the theater? This was my 4th.

First was South Park: Bigger, Longer, Uncut, but that was only because the sound in the theater was turned up so loud that the speakers were crackling and no one could find staff to turn it down. Whole audience left.

Second was Batman Begins. Christopher Nolan movies and the Omni Theater don’t mix, imo. Felt like I was going to have a seizure. Much better on a regular movie screen.

Third was a Mel Gibson movie called Edge of Darkness. Just bad timing on that one. Subject matter hit a little too close to home at the time. but eventually watched it and it was good.
Bolero and Borat

I also left a live performance of Rent! at intermission

jack the frog

Full Member
Finished Presumed Innocent on Apple TV. Well done. Kept me engaged for a full season which is hard to do these days. I had read the Turow book 30 years ago but recall little.

Started Shogun on Disney+. Very highly rated series and I can see why. Early returns are excellent. Sanada is a solid actor. Another book read decades ago but I don‘t recall much there either.

The Bad Guy

Active Member
Bolero and Borat

I also left a live performance of Rent! at intermission
Animated GIF

The Bad Guy

Active Member
Finished Presumed Innocent on Apple TV. Well done. Kept me engaged for a full season which is hard to do these days. I had read the Turow book 30 years ago but recall little.

Started Shogun on Disney+. Very highly rated series and I can see why. Early returns are excellent. Sanada is a solid actor. Another book read decades ago but I don‘t recall much there either.
I second Presumed Innocent, was very well done and kept me interested the entire series. My wife really enjoyed it as well.


Active Member
Crooks on Netflix. German show. First episode was SUPER SOLID. Don’t know how I missed this as it apparently came out in April, but if all the other episodes are this good, this could be a great series. Trailer below.



Full Member
Anyone else think season three of The Bear as overall awful? If that had been season one, I would never have stuck with it.
Not sure if I will go back for season 4.


Active Member
Anyone else think season three of The Bear as overall awful? If that had been season one, I would never have stuck with it.
Not sure if I will go back for season 4.
Never watched any season although Matty Matheson and his old cooking shows are awesome. His old travel/cooking show Dead Set on Life was so good.

jack the frog

Full Member
On the subject of off-beat movies that did not kill it at the box-office, give Before The Devil Knows You're Dead a watch. Sidney Lumet directed, Phillip Seymour Hoffman, Marisa Tomei, Ethan Hawke, Albert Finney. Excellent movie.


Active Member
Just started watching Homeland, a show from about 15 years ago staring Claire Danes as a bi-polar CIA operative, Mandy Patinkin as her mentor and Damian Lewis (Dick Winters from band of brothers) as a rescued POW marine who was turned and is now a double agent. Really enjoying it so far. And fans of Deadpool’s girlfriend will really, really enjoy it. (Did I mention it aired on Showtime?)


Active Member
Just started watching Homeland, a show from about 15 years ago staring Claire Danes as a bi-polar CIA operative, Mandy Patinkin as her mentor and Damian Lewis (Dick Winters from band of brothers) as a rescued POW marine who was turned and is now a double agent. Really enjoying it so far. And fans of Deadpool’s girlfriend will really, really enjoy it. (Did I mention it aired on Showtime?)
Watched it when it came out. A good high school friend is in it for some episodes during the second or third season. And yes, she is worth that whole series alone.

That said, be prepared for a huge drop in quality. First season was amazing!….second was meh to okay. Third and the rest, not worth watching, sadly. Can’t believe it made it so many seasons.


There's an enchanting 7-episode series on HBO called the No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency. It takes place in Botswana and Jill Scott stars. It's funny and touching and clever. It may be too girly for some of you, but I think it is beautiful.
It first aired in 2009. I sure wish they'd do another season.


Watched it when it came out. A good high school friend is in it for some episodes during the second or third season. And yes, she is worth that whole series alone.

That said, be prepared for a huge drop in quality. First season was amazing!….second was meh to okay. Third and the rest, not worth watching, sadly. Can’t believe it made it so many seasons.
Respectfully disagree. I found all HL seasons to be entertaining & watchable. I don’t recall but didn’t HL have multiple directors? Side note, if you enjoy another version then try the Brits but only on BBC or DVD box set—spooks originally in the UK or MI5 in USA. One caveat: do Not get attached to Any character. Brits don’t sugar coat.


Colonel, USAF (Retired)
Just started watching Homeland, a show from about 15 years ago staring Claire Danes as a bi-polar CIA operative, Mandy Patinkin as her mentor and Damian Lewis (Dick Winters from band of brothers) as a rescued POW marine who was turned and is now a double agent. Really enjoying it so far. And fans of Deadpool’s girlfriend will really, really enjoy it. (Did I mention it aired on Showtime?)

Disagree with Chongo's review. Stick with it. The journey of Claire Danes is complicated, but worth watching to the end. IMHO, of course.