Active Member
This is why we need to keep the berm in the outfield. Part of baseball's appeal is nostalgia that unites generations with one another in a uniquely American way. The outfield berm feels like watching baseball the way my grandpa described watching it growing up in Dallas in the 30s and 40s. Boys need to have some of this in their upbringing and I wish I'd had more of it too.I mostly agree with this, but the restroom situation is beyond woefully inadequate and you can't realistically improve that without redoing the ground level infrastructure of the main stand behind home plate and the infield base lines. I'm pretty sure that's the singular reason a total rebuild is required. The concessions situation is also subpar, but only becomes a problem when the house is packed. That should still be redone, though.
If we're going to have to rebuild everything I'd be open to the idea of rotating the stadium counter-clockwise a little so home could face campus and downtown. I remember someone posting that idea in a similar thread years ago and liked the idea. But leaving it oriented the same way works for me too. Whatever we do, we need to clean up the ivy and the bushes in the outfield. Snowmageddon killed most of it and we've never done much to restore it. I always thought it was a great look.
Personally, I love the aluminum bleachers b/c they're loud as hell in a packed post-season atmosphere. I also love the berm in right field. Whoever said that should be the student section is mostly right, IMO. Keep it a berm and make it a massive party patio for the students, but keep some of it for GA as well. It's one of my favorite places to ever watch sports. We have reserved seats now b/c one of the 3 kids always needed to go to the bathroom or get something to eat/drink and making that walk 5+ times a game caused me to miss multiple innings every game, but I think that space should be preserved for some GA folks to appreciate also.
I think we need to extend seating down the first base line and maybe even into the party patio on the 3rd base line also. When we have a packed house for a regional it would be great to be able to cram more fans in the stadium with seating. There is also a very long waiting list for reserved seats that hardly ever turns over so we could definitely support more reserved seats from a season ticket holder standpoint. We've had 4-5 tickets for football, basketball, and baseball for a long time and it took forever to move into reserved seats from the berm. That's a much different situation than we were in with AGC where we built more seats than we could sell in season tix.

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