Needs to be a complete rebuild. Honestly, would rather have it at the location of the intermural field, to the east of the soccer facilities but not sure if there's enough room. Either way, the main entrance needs to be visible from the road. The aluminum bleacher box needs to go.
2 things reminded me today how far behind we are on facilities.
1) Social media reminded me that on this exact day last year I was visiting my sister in Hawaii. We went again in July and on that trip I drove around UH's campus...their baseball stadium is never than our and provides more shade...and UH might have the worst collective athletic facilities in the country. They're still using WW2 internment portable buildings to house athletic admin.
2) Today l took my son to see the place where my grandfather's remains are entombed at the National Cemetery so, naturally, I drove by DBU. My son asked what it was. I told him. He asked if they played baseball. I told him very well. He asked if they have a nice ballpark. I said it's nicer than ours. He asked how such a small school could have a better baseball facility than TCU...didn't have a good answer for him.