• The KillerFrogs

Has anyone seen my specialty plates?


Active Member
I just watched Wind River this week
I spent 2 weeks camping and hiking through Wyoming's Wind River Range when I was at Geology Field Camp. Our campground was about a 2-mile walk from Atlantic City, WY, which wasn't as much a town as it was a big log cabin that was divided into a small lodge/post office/restaurant-bar. There was one night that I do remember when I started drinking, and I remember playing a guitar duet of Hotel California with another camper, but the next thing I remember was waking up for KP duty the next morning and stepping in a puddle of puke right outside the door of my tent. Must have been a fun walk home.

Land Frog

Darn baylor!
I spent 2 weeks camping and hiking through Wyoming's Wind River Range when I was at Geology Field Camp. Our campground was about a 2-mile walk from Atlantic City, WY, which wasn't as much a town as it was a big log cabin that was divided into a small lodge/post office/restaurant-bar. There was one night that I do remember when I started drinking, and I remember playing a guitar duet of Hotel California with another camper, but the next thing I remember was waking up for KP duty the next morning and stepping in a puddle of puke right outside the door of my tent. Must have been a fun walk home.
Went mudding one weekend in my Maverick. Had a tent for the bed of my pickup. Got drunk that night and gf and I went to bed. I woke up to pee and open the tent door. Relieve myself and go back to bed. Next morning gf goes to put on her boots she left outside. They were below my tailgate and soaked. Oops.


Went mudding one weekend in my Maverick. Had a tent for the bed of my pickup. Got drunk that night and gf and I went to bed. I woke up to pee and open the tent door. Relieve myself and go back to bed. Next morning gf goes to put on her boots she left outside. They were below my tailgate and soaked. Oops.

....and you immediately took her boot shopping, followed by obligatory stop at Sephora for 2 hours after followed by dropping her off at nearest day spa with valet pickup & dinner out — yes?


Active Member
I spent 2 weeks camping and hiking through Wyoming's Wind River Range when I was at Geology Field Camp. Our campground was about a 2-mile walk from Atlantic City, WY, which wasn't as much a town as it was a big log cabin that was divided into a small lodge/post office/restaurant-bar. There was one night that I do remember when I started drinking, and I remember playing a guitar duet of Hotel California with another camper, but the next thing I remember was waking up for KP duty the next morning and stepping in a puddle of puke right outside the door of my tent. Must have been a fun walk home.

This one time, at geology field camp...


Active Member
While I’m thinking about it...


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