• The KillerFrogs

2024 Football Regular Season Predictions


Full Member
Oooo, lots of predictions coming in! I like it! Keep em coming. And if you see a media one, feel free to DM me as I might miss them. Trying to catch up on the various TCU podcasts and see if the hosts put a number out there.


Tier 1
his conference isn’t that difficult and we’re positioned in one of the best recruiting hotbeds in the country, so it’s very fair to expect 7+ wins every year and 10+ wins every 4 or
4-8. This season is going to hurt.

All of this speaks to how little fanfare there is around this team. If we have REALLY fallen this far (this fast)... TCU as a football program is in A LOT of trouble.

82 Frog Fever

Active Member
All of this speaks to how little fanfare there is around this team. If we have REALLY fallen this far (this fast)... TCU as a football program is in A LOT of trouble.on a fan board are meaningless
Posts on an offseason fan board are nothing more than background noise based on the hopes and doubts of fans with little inside knowledge.
They don’t speak to anything and I wouldn’t draw any conclusions from them.
Seriously. The talent composite says we're the most talented squad in the conference. If we're around .500 or worse the coaching staff is terrible and the entire off-season plan was wrong.
I really don't get where we are right now. Does the media know something we don't?

Or, is it because we were so horrified by what we saw last year that we still have PTSD and can't believe it will get any better?

Probably a little of both. Big year for Sonny. He rode Max's leadership and some NFL talent at skill positions his first year, but apparently didn't understand the impact that void of leadership would have after Max left.

Is it there in someone else, or can he manufacture it?


Was I supposed to type something here?
I really don't get where we are right now. Does the media know something we don't?

Or, is it because we were so horrified by what we saw last year that we still have PTSD and can't believe it will get any better?

Probably a little of both. Big year for Sonny. He rode Max's leadership and some NFL talent at skill positions his first year, but apparently didn't understand the impact that void of leadership would have after Max left.

Is it there in someone else, or can he manufacture it?
Last year destroyed my confidence in the Staff. In my book, they are all out of slack. There must be huge improvements in pretty much every area, including the basic fundamentals, for us to have success.
Last year destroyed my confidence in the Staff. In my book, they are all out of slack. There must be huge improvements in pretty much every area, including the basic fundamentals, for us to have success.
I think it says a lot that we have what is rated the best roster in the league, yet we're picked by most to be about a 7-5 team, and 10th place in the conference.

If that doesn't light a fire under our coaches and players to deliver, I don't know if we have a sustainable staff in place.

Personally, I think we're going to out-perform those predictions, and maybe by quite a bit. It's just hard for me to believe that we won't be in the mix in November.