As long as eligibility requirements exist he has none left, so he can only portal to the NFL.
If any young man is considering the portal and is a contributor to TCU...he's absolutely insane to transfer!! He's either only after the money OR he wants to experience a different program and city. If the latter is the reason, then his future in life is on a path to walk in circles for a very long time.
TCU is GOING to surprise a lot of folks this fall with a very good team, which as the season evolves will get EVEN better!!! Saying folks ....TCU will be a big player this fall. And the year after that...a top seven programs.
If the NCAA had any --lls and controlled its coaches and administrations, who by the way say they hate the NIL when they are the ones calling the NIL shots and supporting it, they could make college football fun and fair to the fans AND who continually support schools with their money. I'm sure you know, that this NIL thing makes a lot of money for the schools.