• The KillerFrogs




the argument of nurture versus nature isn't new and there is no doubt that boykin's upbringing wasn't exactly ideal, but there have been a number of individuals who grew up in similar situations who didn't make the same mistakes.

likewise you have josh brown who seems to have grown up in a polar situation from boykin whose career with the giants was ended after charges of spousal abuse from his ex-wife.

as tragic as this story is to this point it isn't over for trevone. supposedly there are lessons learned from being part of a team and playing sports. time for boykin to realize the current path of his life is headed in a direction that won't end well and where he is now can be a turning point and not an end if he is willing to seek help and make real changes.

maybe we give too importance to the image of the player, but i won't give up on hope for him turning his life around.


Tier 1

the argument of nurture versus nature isn't new and there is no doubt that boykin's upbringing wasn't exactly ideal, but there have been a number of individuals who grew up in similar situations who didn't make the same mistakes.

likewise you have josh brown who seems to have grown up in a polar situation from boykin whose career with the giants was ended after charges of spousal abuse from his ex-wife.

as tragic as this story is to this point it isn't over for trevone. supposedly there are lessons learned from being part of a team and playing sports. time for boykin to realize the current path of his life is headed in a direction that won't end well and where he is now can be a turning point and not an end if he is willing to seek help and make real changes.

maybe we give too importance to the image of the player, but i won't give up on hope for him turning his life around.

I heard a psychologist say once that people like this are actually trying to subconsciously hurt those that hurt them while growing up while actually hurting those they care about.
Hard to imagine that any rational individual would continue to imbibe after having endured a past history of unsavory

alcohol related experiences. Ignorance knows no bounds!


Hard to imagine that any rational individual would continue to imbibe after having endured a past history of unsavory

alcohol related experiences. Ignorance knows no bounds!
Alcohol is a tricky and addictive substance, one of a few addictions I wouldn't wish on anyone no matter how bad I hated them. I don't know if he's a full blown alcoholic, but for those people, conscious/willpower-based control over the addiction usually left the scene a long time ago.


Full Member
I am just shocked that Boykin would claim his innocence if he should have known there's a video. Seems very very dumb. The police said it was "obvious" there was an assault. I mean, he's doomed.
It's mind boggling really. I know the lawyers on the forum, for the most part, are in the wait and see mode, but it's hard not to start forming opinions based on what's been released through the media. Who knows if that's true info or not, guess time will tell.

But if it turns out he did it, and there's video from his own security system in his own home, and he still posted that innocence tweet, good grief man. They're going to throw the book at him. And rightfully so.


Full Member
So how long before Baileys attorneys 'leak' he video of the alleged assault?

Don't know, but if they ever do and if her allegations are true and all the evidence of what she is claiming ends up being confirmed, it's probably gonna make the Ray Rice and Joe Mixon videos look innocent by comparison. Horrifying stuff.


Active Member
It's mind boggling really. I know the lawyers on the forum, for the most part, are in the wait and see mode, but it's hard not to start forming opinions based on what's been released through the media. Who knows if that's true info or not, guess time will tell.

But if it turns out he did it, and there's video from his own security system in his own home, and he still posted that innocence tweet, good grief man. They're going to throw the book at him. And rightfully so.

They were gonna throw the book at him anyway.


Active Member
Am I the only one that is shocked he had surveillance cameras in his house? Seems like a pretty aggressive move for a 20 something year old.


Full Member
Am I the only one that is shocked he had surveillance cameras in his house? Seems like a pretty aggressive move for a 20 something year old.

I'm not shocked. That's what 20-something year-olds with no concept of how to invest or handle money do. Buy stupid [ Finebaum ] and trick up their house because they can. There's a reason why about half of "retired" NFL players are broker three years after their career is over. Heck, it wouldn't surprise me at all if he installed those cameras and he was renting the house.


Full Member
Cameras are so cheap nowadays.

You can have a camera to watch your dogs and setup for motion detecting.

That all depends. We just got one of our commercial buildings oufitted for cameras and each tiny little unit was $3k. I'm sure you can get them cheaper though.


Active Member
I'm not shocked. That's what 20-something year-olds with no concept of how to invest or handle money do. Buy stupid [ steaming pile of Orgeron ] and trick up their house because they can. There's a reason why about half of "retired" NFL players are broker three years after their career is over. Heck, it wouldn't surprise me at all if he installed those cameras and he was renting the house.

Cameras for your house are not expensive at all. I don’t have any, but I know lots of younger folks that do and check on their house on their phones. They even alert you if someone approaches your house and whatnot. Seems like a really weird thing to be critical of