• The KillerFrogs

USC has 17,500 students


Active Member
Agreement at last. Except on the tuition. TCU is already near the bottom of the market price-wise for private universities. Currently, tuition covers only about 68% of TCU's annual operating cost, which means we're operation at a substantial loss. That's why we're non-profit. We make up the annual deficit with endowment income, fundraising, and income from auxiliary enterprises.

To you as well.

Near the bottom? Average tuition for private universities is 27500 with 36000 total cost, TCU is 18% higher. Tuition is running a 7.5% increase since 99 and over 6.5 since 90 compared to 4.5% average.

TCU tuition will get to SMU levels and near Tulane within 10 years being in top 10% cost wise and about 50% higher than the average

As for financial aid the average packed only increased 221% during the same time tuition went up 351% (in 1990 TCU was 15% lower than the average)
