• The KillerFrogs

Ty Jordan passes away


Full Member
This didn’t need to be posted.

you mean the truth?

I’m no hardcore gun guy. I have a shotgun for dove hunting and a rifle for deer hunting (haven’t shot a deer in 20 years sadly but we have so many axis deer on our property). Hence why I have a highly protective gun safe at home, as well as finger print night table gun safe.

But it was an accidental shooting. Sounds to me like he wasn’t schooled in firearm safety.

My heart breaks for him. and more importantly his family.
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Full Member
Yes. Why not just type your last sentence and move along? Why do you feel the need to point out the rest of that?

The truth shall set you free. Really, it will.

Man, I’m so sad to hear about this young man. He was damned good player and by all accounts a great guy, an excellent young man.

So sad to hear about this. My heart goes out to his family.


Active Member
This didn’t need to be posted.
Your opinion and that is all it is

mine is that when people realize over 90% of gun crime is committed by people who illegally obtained the firearm

and the vast majority of gun related accidents involve participants who have never had any gun training

then as a country we can focus on stopping both by creating legislation and education programs targeting the two areas

instead of wasting time and money trying to pass gun legislation that won’t stop either- which is exactly what 100% of all gun legislation passed in this country in the last 10 years been about - stopping nothing

and tragedies like this continue to happen


Your opinion and that is all it is

mine is that when people realize over 90% of gun crime is committed by people who illegally obtained the firearm

and the vast majority of gun related accidents involve participants who have never had any gun training

then as a country we can focus on stopping both by creating legislation and education programs targeting the two areas

instead of wasting time and money trying to pass gun legislation that won’t stop either- which is exactly what 100% of all gun legislation passed in this country in the last 10 years been about - stopping nothing

and tragedies like this continue to happen
So a 19 year old kid has died tragically, and your reaction is to use it to state your political opinion on firearm legislation. Solid priorities for sure.

Frog DJ

Active Member
First and foremost - deepest condolences and heartfelt prayers to this young man's family. This was a senseless tragedy.

What I say next should be taken in the spirit with which it is sincerely offered, and not be misconstrued as a political statement of any kind.

When I was in the Army (50 years ago) I qualified on an M-1, M-14, M-16 and 45 automatic pistol. I have not pulled the trigger on any of them since.

I became an expert marksman on all four of those weapons, and could break them down and put them back together blindfolded (part of our training to ensure we could clean the weapons in the dark).

If someone handed me any one of those weapons today, I would respectfully decline to even hold one of them in my hands, due to my lack of up-to-date training in their proper and safe handling.

The loss of this talented young man of reportedly high character is truly heartbreaking, but it serves as a cautionary tale to us all. Anyone who is not intimately familiar with the operation of a weapon should not handle it without qualified supervision.

That's not political - that's practical. I grieve for his passing.

Go Frogs!
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