• The KillerFrogs

This realignment rumor is making the rounds on X


Active Member
I wouldn’t classify it as G5. B1G and SEC are more of the old money class. Big 12 is more like upper middle class. The problem with the upper middle class is: can that be maintained or grown, or will it eventually slide into lower level?

G5 is more lower class to poor.
There is no P5 and G5 anymore so we need new terms. I was being sarcastic, although it kinda feels like we are on the outside looking in.

I loved playing Texas and OU, especially beating them. Wish we played more of those types of schools who think they're better than everybody else.

Sangria Wine

Active Member
I hate it, but 24 team “conferences” seems like a “logical” landing point for the major conferences. In reality they are each two separate 12-team leagues and teams will only rarely play one another. But it would establish a pro sports style design with each conference acting like a league. The 3 major conferences would mean 72 schools in the big time. A reasonable number, frankly larger than most of us have assumed it will all land at.

That said, this is all stupid. 8-10 team conferences where all teams play each other is a way better world. But alas, the genie is out of the bottle and there’s no going back from all of this “progress” so it is what it is.


Active Member
There is no P5 and G5 anymore so we need new terms. I was being sarcastic, although it kinda feels like we are on the outside looking in.

I loved playing Texas and OU, especially beating them. Wish we played more of those types of schools who think they're better than everybody else.
Off topic but one of the things I’m most looking forward to is the amount of dumbfounded-ness from all the UT and OU fans once they start losing in the SEC.


Full Member
That said, this is all stupid. 8-10 team conferences where all teams play each other is a way better world. But alas, the genie is out of the bottle and there’s no going back from all of this “progress” so it is what it is.
While progress toots her greedy horn
And makes her motor buzz
I thanks the Lord I wasn't born
No later than I was
---Don Edwards
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Full Member
Off topic but one of the things I’m most looking forward to is the amount of dumbfounded-ness from all the UT and OU fans once they start losing in the SEC.
I think they’ll be fine from a competitiveness standpoint, especially UT. They’ve got the money to buy as many players as they need. They always have, I know, but with free agency it’s an entirely new ballgame. And the standard won’t be an undefeated season anymore, 2-3 losses from teams in those leagues will be considered a success, and good enough to make whatever postseason exists.


Full Member
I hate it, but 24 team “conferences” seems like a “logical” landing point for the major conferences. In reality they are each two separate 12-team leagues and teams will only rarely play one another. But it would establish a pro sports style design with each conference acting like a league. The 3 major conferences would mean 72 schools in the big time. A reasonable number, frankly larger than most of us have assumed it will all land at.

That said, this is all stupid. 8-10 team conferences where all teams play each other is a way better world. But alas, the genie is out of the bottle and there’s no going back from all of this “progress” so it is what it is.

It’s silly to think of the Big 12 as a “conference” anymore, at least in traditional terms. You have the have’s, which is BIG/SEC, and then the next tier down, which is where all the schools in the ACC and Big 12 sit. Trying to strengthen the Big 12 by adding more schools or inviting certain schools is kind of irrelevant at this point, because no adds are going to change that fact.

fanatical frog

Full Member

It’s silly to think of the Big 12 as a “conference” anymore, at least in traditional terms. You have the have’s, which is BIG/SEC, and then the next tier down, which is where all the schools in the ACC and Big 12 sit. Trying to strengthen the Big 12 by adding more schools or inviting certain schools is kind of irrelevant at this point, because no adds are going to change that fact.

No argument from me. But, I like our conference as it's configured now better than the B12 that UT and OU were a part of.

And, we will have the chance to grow our brand over time by being competitive on the field with those other two brands and putting a product on the field that people will have an interest in. The AFL was considered pretty much irrelevant until Joe Namath and the Jets chewed up somebody in a Super Bowl, I think it was the Vikings. Things and evolve.

Bama and UT and a dozen or so others have bought the players they wanted since the 50's if not before. NIL doesn't change that fact it just makes it more transparent.


Full Member
No argument from me. But, I like our conference as it's configured now better than the B12 that UT and OU were a part of.

And, we will have the chance to grow our brand over time by being competitive on the field with those other two brands and putting a product on the field that people will have an interest in. The AFL was considered pretty much irrelevant until Joe Namath and the Jets chewed up somebody in a Super Bowl, I think it was the Vikings. Things and evolve.

Bama and UT and a dozen or so others have bought the players they wanted since the 50's if not before. NIL doesn't change that fact it just makes it more transparent.
No, it’s entirely different. Bama and UT have “bought” players forever, (although I don’t think the $ involved was nearly as high as some people think), but they couldn’t go buy everyone else’s players too.

UT missed on a string of QB recruits in the mid 2010’s which is a major reason why they weren’t any good during that time. They’ll never have those kind of roster issues again. And our Rose Bowl team would have been raided by the UTs of the world if the current rules were in place, no way in hell that team sticks together.


Full Member
@fanatical frog - Namath and the Jets beat the Colts in SB3 16-9, but yeah. Jets were near 3 TD underdogs. Unitas missed most of the year for the Colts, and they were down 16-0 by the time he subbed in for the floundering Earl Morrall in the 4th quarter.

Limey Frog

Full Member
I hate it, but 24 team “conferences” seems like a “logical” landing point for the major conferences. In reality they are each two separate 12-team leagues and teams will only rarely play one another. But it would establish a pro sports style design with each conference acting like a league. The 3 major conferences would mean 72 schools in the big time. A reasonable number, frankly larger than most of us have assumed it will all land at.

That said, this is all stupid. 8-10 team conferences where all teams play each other is a way better world. But alas, the genie is out of the bottle and there’s no going back from all of this “progress” so it is what it is.
They're just scheduling and media contract alliances at this point. An annual football schedule arranged from any cluster in this group would be fine by me so long as we always play Baylor.
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Sangria Wine

Active Member
They're just scheduling and media contract alliances at this point. An annual football schedule arranged from any cluster on this group would be fine by me so long as we always play Baylor.
Absolutely. And ultimately all could just as easily be in one “conference” …all 70 or whatever ends up making the cut.


Active Member
I would take VT and NCSU and Cal and Stanford. California market too big to ignore. Academic prestige. 20 teams.

I doubt B1GSEC will get bigger than 20 each.