• The KillerFrogs

Sonny: wins to heat level for the 2024 season

82 Frog Fever

Active Member
There was no excuse for last year. If he can't get 8 wins, there will be lots of grumbling.
I sort of agree with that.
When you think about scheduling, there should be 3 mostly winnable OOC games, so you really only have to go 5-4 in conference to get 8 wins.
7 regular season wins seems like a very average C season, and 6 is barely passing.
Last year’s 5 wins was a total F.
I will be happy if we can get back to being average this season, and that should set us up for a nice ’24/‘25 season. Fingers crossed.

Endless Purple

Full Member
Putting words in my mouth is a lousy way to argue. Gillespie was here two years. His detractors pointed out his prior shortcomings when he arrived. His results were less than stellar his first season at TCU, and downright awful the second. He refused to alter a philosophically flawed system, in spite of all evidence to the contrary, and the entire organization suffered for it. His Head Coach let him continue while the team suffered. At the end of that second season, he was fired.

Good riddance.

Not everyone will be a success right off the bat, and some might show a flash and then fade. Occasionally there are stubborn mules who just won't do what you ask.

I remember this scene from Patton...
What was your timetable then? Fire him when?

Not all thought he was bad, many were supportive of him coming with Dykes.


Full Member
It could be argued (And Jugband did fairly often) that the Gillespie was a problem from the beginning. It wasn't until he really got settled in that his "let them come to you" philosophy was fully exploited by opposing teams. My point about "knowing your team" is exactly that: As a professional, he should have seen these weaknesses just as clearly as others, and known that disaster was on the horizon. Sadly, it took a lost season to ascertain that.

I have not called for Sonny to be fired. Yet. 1.) He is contracted for far too much money to be heaved to the curb, and 2.) He may yet improve.

Time will tidy up, as it always does.
I think JG problems should have been crystal clear after Georgia. It seemed every game that year was a track meet.


Was I supposed to type something here?
What was your timetable then? Fire him when?

Not all thought he was bad, many were supportive of him coming with Dykes.
I was not one of those who was down on him from the start, if you care to recall. Are you going to argue that the defense of '22 was great, and worthy of a raise? How bout the defense of '23?

Again, the main issue with Gillespie was the fact that he refused to make changes to his defense in spite of the obvious fact that opposing teams had dissected it and were taking advantage of it's shortcomings. Remember: "If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle." Methinks that last sentence fits the '23 defense pretty well.

That stubborn refusal to notice reality is what turned opinion fully against him. Deservedly so.

Endless Purple

Full Member
I was not one of those who was down on him from the start, if you care to recall. Are you going to argue that the defense of '22 was great, and worthy of a raise? How bout the defense of '23?

To quote a post in this thread: "Putting words in my mouth is a lousy way to argue"

Never said anything about 22 having a good defense. Simply that firing a coach after 1 year was not the best option.

I was not one of those who was down on him from the start, if you care to recall. Are you going to argue that the defense of '22 was great, and worthy of a raise? How bout the defense of '23?

Again, the main issue with Gillespie was the fact that he refused to make changes to his defense in spite of the obvious fact that opposing teams had dissected it and were taking advantage of it's shortcomings. Remember: "If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle." Methinks that last sentence fits the '23 defense pretty well.

That stubborn refusal to notice reality is what turned opinion fully against him. Deservedly so.

Never said where you fell at the time of hiring as I am not going back to look it up. I am asking that at what point he should have been removed in your opinion? After 1 year, middle of the first year? Middle of the second year? After the second year?


Was I supposed to type something here?
To quote a post in this thread: "Putting words in my mouth is a lousy way to argue"

Never said anything about 22 having a good defense. Simply that firing a coach after 1 year was not the best option.

Never said where you fell at the time of hiring as I am not going back to look it up. I am asking that at what point he should have been removed in your opinion? After 1 year, middle of the first year? Middle of the second year? After the second year?
This is tiresome, and your attempt at "Gotcha!" falls flat.

Gillespie was fired about the time he should have been fired. He was given ample opportunity to mend his ways, and didn't. So, AMF, buckaroo!


Active Member
How many years does he have left on his contract or do we know a set buyout $
At the very least I believe it’s around 3-4 years, if not more. Can’t fully remember. I am not sure but I know others have thrown around some numbers before but not certain if they are correct or not.

Endless Purple

Full Member
This is tiresome, and your attempt at "Gotcha!" falls flat.

Gillespie was fired about the time he should have been fired. He was given ample opportunity to mend his ways, and didn't. So, AMF, buckaroo!
Not sure what "Gotcha" you are looking out for. I am trying to understand what different people view for staffs these days (there are a lot of people on forums that have different expectations), and it will be interesting to see how staff turnover changes now that player are paid and can move at will without penalty.

Remember, you called me out for when I posted a positive thought in the thread. Saying you lost all confidence last year in Dykes and his "crack staff" after the first game in 2023.

I responded with "fair answer" as you are entitled to your opinion. Then I stated I was happy Dykes made a timely change unlike the past regime. Then you started pushing he had a problem (Gillespie) from the beginning and should have known. Then now you turn around and say the time table for firing was good (which agrees with me)

Don't know what AMF is, but back at cha. Off to another discussion.

tyler durden

Tyler Durden
I can’t imagine SD getting canned at this stage of the game for any win/loss related reason. A scandal? Sure. But outside of that I just can’t see the money being there to make that kind of move and then go hire anybody that would raise your pulse. Like it or not I think we are married for a few years no matter on field results.
Frankly, what in world would be more scandalous than the heap of garbage Briles delivered to the program?


Again, you misunderstood. 1.) It stands for... Well, I'll let Shadowfrog explain... 2.) It was in reference to Gillespie leaving, as in "Don't let the door hit ya on the way out!" and not directed at you.
I only Moderate, I don’t explain.
Please refer to Department of Colorful Phrases, tertiary office for farewells to unwanted. Sadly, I have been there.


He thinks one of our 3 losses would be at SMU?
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