• The KillerFrogs

Tanner Brock?


Active Member
Brock puts on a white tie and tails to walk his cobra down University on a leash. He named the cobra Beverly, and he taught it how to fetch and dial a phone. But then one day it bit the maid. So with tears in his eyes, Brock had to shoot the maid.


Active Member


Tier 1
Tanner Brock's foot has been to Mars. That's why there are no signs of life there.

Tanner Brock's foot doesn't flush the toilet; Tanner Brock's foot just scares the [Craig James] out of it.

When Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone, he already had three missed calls from Tanner Brock's foot.

Tanner Brock's foot doesn't dial wrong numbers; you answer the wrong phone.

NASA beams video of Tanner Brock's helmetless touchdown-saving block against SMU into outer space as a warning to aliens of what will happen if they invade Earth.

Tanner Brock's foot has been to Mars. That's why there are no signs of life there.

Tanner Brock's foot doesn't flush the toilet; Tanner Brock's foot just scares the [Craig James] out of it.

When Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone, he already had three missed calls from Tanner Brock's foot.

Tanner Brock's foot doesn't dial wrong numbers; you answer the wrong phone.

NASA beams video of Tanner Brock's helmetless touchdown-saving block against SMU into outer space as a warning to aliens of what will happen if they invade Earth.

Houston Frog

New Member
The football team once threw a bachelor party for Tanner, he ate the entire cake..... before they could tell him there was a stripper in it

Did I ever tell you about the time Tanner was in a production of The King and I? Well anyway, before the show, Tanner chloroforms the entire cast, and slowly eats them in front of the audience for two hours. The production got pretty good reviews

If you drop a phonograph needle on Tanner's nipple, it plays the Beach Boys "Pet Sounds"

He'll eat a homeless person if you dare him

One time I asked Tanner to dress up as Santa for a Christmas party I was having for my children. Anyway, Tanner shows up as Santa, says I've got goodies for you kids. He reaches into his bag and proceeds to hand out scrap metal and cigarettes to them. Then he takes off his beard and says, "there's no Santa because I ate him"

Tanner Brock is an eight foot two ton monster who can palm a medicine ball

He once ate the Bible while water skiing