• The KillerFrogs

Appreciating the Work of an Artist


Way of the Frog


Does this mean Art Briles (scumbag e-meritus) is an artist?

Tragically yes in doing whatever it takes to win.


Active Member
Fox commentator. Made the joke that TCUs defense is like buying the nicest house in a bad neighborhood followed by a good laugh from the panel.

EDIT https://g.co/kgs/W18VKC

Maybe this asshat can ask Ole Miss about our nice house/bad neighborhood defense...


https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/YbuSv3ojbb-G87LyOPdT7xFLvJU=/82x0:494x275/1200x800/filters:focal(82x0:494x275):no_upscale()/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/45131358/[ get out of here ].0.0.gif



Mean Purple

Active Member
Tom Brown is right. I've always liked Rob Stone b/c I thought he did a great job covering soccer. Fox has decided that he should become their version of Chris Fowler who covers multiple sports. Honestly, I think it's well earned b/c I think he's just as good. IMO, he just made an ignorant joke this

Stop watching soccer

Mean Purple

Active Member
Maybe this asshat can ask Ole Miss about our nice house/bad neighborhood defense...


https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/YbuSv3ojbb-G87LyOPdT7xFLvJU=/82x0:494x275/1200x800/filters:focal(82x0:494x275):no_upscale()/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/45131358/[ get out of here ].0.0.gif


Such a great game. The ole miss fans were beside themselves because of our speed. One of them started cursing the cfp for causing the anger.

Pharm Frog

Full Member
I just want that #1 defense to knock Baker Mayfield to the ground and dance on his spine.

Would agree if he had a spine. Didn't look or sound like he had much of one when he was getting tackled by a Fayetteville cop or grabbing his dick from across the field or taunting people in the stands.


Active Member
The crew in the booth at the Peach Bowl made that game that much better, IMO. Brock Huard had done his homework and was really giving GP a lot of credit, and I thought Tebow added a lot of knowledge as well. They both called some plays in TCU's favor before they even happened, which made that arse kicking even more hilarious. Hugh Freeze's interview at the half was so great... he was shell-shocked.


The crew in the booth at the Peach Bowl made that game that much better, IMO. Brock Huard had done his homework and was really giving GP a lot of credit, and I thought Tebow added a lot of knowledge as well. They both called some plays in TCU's favor before they even happened, which made that arse kicking even more hilarious. Hugh Freeze's interview at the half was so great... he was shell-shocked.
Tebow's "touchdown" call on first score before the ball was even thrown is one of my favorite calls ever.

Deep Purple

Full Member
Just before kickoff, a passel of Ole Miss fans (all guys) filtered in and sat in the row in front of us. They were half-drunk and actually very friendly to all the surrounding TCU fans -- not at all jerks or a-holes. They didn't talk among any trash, but they were high-fiving each other even before kickoff and were supremely over-confidant.

They disappeared at halftime and we never saw them again.

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