supply chains are a mofo right now. Im in Asia now, its a mess over here.
Brother its a mess no matter what country your end. Try this on for size, gas is going up weekly, they say we hv a shortage, so.....lets shut down another pipe line coming out of Canada. Yesterday morning, that's yesterday, some 400 + cargo ships are laying off California waiting, no hoping to unloaded before Christmas. It's the same in India, China, Japan, UK, Philippine's, it doesn't matter where and its going to get a lot worse. My wife builds houses, big ones, 11K sq ft and up and they can't find upper end refrid's, sinks, it doesn't matter what, its in back order for 2-maybe 3 months. Carpet goes up daily, yes daily, (mostly a petro product). The list goes on and on. We haven't talked about food sources yet and what its going to cost to transport food to our families dining table. But still, we need to shut down another pipe line....??? Absolutely brilliant..