• The KillerFrogs

The Band

Outback Frog

Active Member
Our seats are on the west side 45-yard line, and I agree the band looks a little bigger this year. The song selection and sound were very good this past Saturday (I was underneath the stands at halftime during the Colorado game). Honestly, it was the loudest I have heard them in a long time. A great number of people, including myself, gave them a standing ovation. I don't recall doing that for the band in years.



Prince of Purpoole II

Reigning Smartarse
Our seats are on the west side 45-yard line, and I agree the band looks a little bigger this year. The song selection and sound were very good this past Saturday (I was underneath the stands at halftime during the Colorado game). Honestly, it was the loudest I have heard them in a long time. A great number of people, including myself, gave them a standing ovation. I don't recall doing that for the band in years.
Wasn’t last week’s band filled out by alumni? I may have misheard but I thought it was referenced at the half time show


Active Member
Band is slightly larger than prior years. Turns out that having an enjoyable football product to watch helps immensely with recruitment. It was bolstered a bit by the alumni this past weekend, but they stand out as those folks were NOT in uniform.

Just a fair reminder that, percentage-wise, TCU does a remarkable job with size. We should comparable with the barbershop quartet gimmick of SMU or the Rice Mob. The Fine Arts department and music school don't get enough credit for the product they put out.

Uniforms are very similar to last year with the exception of a shinier and larger TCU adorned on it, along with a new sash for the 150th anniversary.


Was I supposed to type something here?
I believe they are leavening their ranks by bringing in HS kids and others to play. Only way to get more brass out on the field.


Active Member
I believe they are leavening their ranks by bringing in HS kids and others to play. Only way to get more brass out on the field.
TCC yes, high school no. That would be logistically impossible with all the competitions high school bands already have on Saturdays.