• The KillerFrogs

Texas Tech Hotties


Sir FeistyFrog
One of my friends sent me this....there's a possibility she doesn't go to Tech... hopefully the complaining is at a minimum


Michelle Jenneke, she doesn't go to Tech. Silver medal in the 100m this last Olympics


Tier 1
Oh--this morning while getting ready for work, the following term for boobs popped into Steel's head, completely unbidden:

Chest Blobs.

Well? Whadyathink?


would a latina accent be considered "foreign"? surely not crunch

i pop a chub everytime i hear that girl say "taco cabana" in those taco cabana commercials.. and dont even get me started when she says "taquito"

Well, seeing as I am fluent in the spanish, I guess a little fiery Latina would be OK. As far as the TC girl - I'd eat her nachos.