• The KillerFrogs

So long, Sports Illustrated


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Get woke, go broke
Cracking Up Lol GIF


Active Member
It is a sad day.

In SI's glory days, its writers included Dan Jenkins, Bud Shrake, Frank Deford, Roy Blount Jr., Peter Gammons, Joe Posnaski, Paul Zimmerman, Grant Wahl and many others. I was always excited when the magazine hit our mailbox every week. I would read it cover to cover.

Now, another piece of my youth is gone. Sigh. I will raise a glass to Sports Illustrated tonight - it was a wonderful magazine back in the day.
Jenkins and Shrake were products of the old Fort Worth Press...Great writers....


Full Member
Didn't even know about that 23 cover. Are they publishing a swimsuit issue this year, or will that be the last one ever?

I had not heard that trans stuff either, or even the Martha Stewart stuff. You’d think with as much negative publicity as Bud Light got, that would have been an even bigger deal.


Full Member
I had not heard that trans stuff either, or even the Martha Stewart stuff. You’d think with as much negative publicity as Bud Light got, that would have been an even bigger deal.
There's zero doubt the magazine took a very noticeable hard left turn (or whatever you want to call it) in the past decade. Seemed like every other article, if not more than that, in recent years was pushing an agenda as much as anything else, and I'm sure that hastened its demise.

I don't understand that strategy.


Full Member
There's zero doubt the magazine took a very noticeable hard left turn (or whatever you want to call it) in the past decade. Seemed like every other article, if not more than that, in recent years was pushing an agenda as much as anything else, and I'm sure that hastened its demise.

I don't understand that strategy.
I haven’t read it in decades. If true, I am not sad for their demise. It seems it was self-imposed.

jack the frog

Full Member
I haven’t read it in decades. If true, I am not sad for their demise. It seems it was self-imposed.

I didn’t know SI was still in print. That goes back to Circus magazine and the monthly HBO guide mailing for me.

Also, SI helped popularize the burkini hijab swimsuit apparently.
