• The KillerFrogs

OT: Who will be the next Dallas Cowboys Coach? And will it matter?


Lifelong Frog
Saw Kingsbury's and Moore's names floated.

Since the NFL likes head coach musical chairs Sean Payton is someone I would be interested in.


Full Member
I haven't met Jerry Jones personally nor had dealings with the man so I cannot attest to what a great (or sorry) person he is. But one thing I know just from reading the sports and business sections of the New York Times over the past several years is that he is a doggoned good businessman and that's the main lens I use to "grade" him.
  • The Cowboys were just about up to their ham hocks in debt when Jones bought the franchise in 1989.
  • Against a lot of outsider advice he paid $140 million (a significant portion of that personal loans) for a business that was losing money and not too many steps away from bankruptcy.
  • He learned the NFL business by doing it, making friends and enemies as he learned
  • He has evolved into one of the "listened to" owners in the NFL, not necessarily the most beloved owner, nor the most revered, but others around the table listen to what he says
  • Their wins-to-player-cost is 4th best in the NFL at 120 (which means they're definitely way above-average at filling a roster with competent personnel)
  • The latest franchise value (as per Forbes) was $10.1 billion.
So, is Jerry Jones a genius? an azzhat? a guy shot full of luck? Like most of us on this board, looking at our life histories over a half-century, likely a mix of all three of those qualities along with a few others tossed in at random. I'm not here to advocate for his sainthood, just to mention that as a businessman he's a pretty good operator and I admire him for it.


Active Member
I haven't met Jerry Jones personally nor had dealings with the man so I cannot attest to what a great (or sorry) person he is. But one thing I know just from reading the sports and business sections of the New York Times over the past several years is that he is a doggoned good businessman and that's the main lens I use to "grade" him.
  • The Cowboys were just about up to their ham hocks in debt when Jones bought the franchise in 1989.
  • Against a lot of outsider advice he paid $140 million (a significant portion of that personal loans) for a business that was losing money and not too many steps away from bankruptcy.
  • He learned the NFL business by doing it, making friends and enemies as he learned
  • He has evolved into one of the "listened to" owners in the NFL, not necessarily the most beloved owner, nor the most revered, but others around the table listen to what he says
  • Their wins-to-player-cost is 4th best in the NFL at 120 (which means they're definitely way above-average at filling a roster with competent personnel)
  • The latest franchise value (as per Forbes) was $10.1 billion.
So, is Jerry Jones a genius? an azzhat? a guy shot full of luck? Like most of us on this board, looking at our life histories over a half-century, likely a mix of all three of those qualities along with a few others tossed in at random. I'm not here to advocate for his sainthood, just to mention that as a businessman he's a pretty good operator and I admire him for it.

This scene tells you all you need to know. It is just another business for him, despite him calling it a hobby. If they win, added bonus. But at the end of the day all that matters to him is the fact it is a business and how to generate as much value as possible. Wins and losses don't affect him. People still buy the tickets, the beer, the merch. People still watch.

Sure, winning would be nice. But that's not on the top of the pyramid of priorities for him.


Full Member
"Winning" refers to the act of achieving victory or success in a competition, contest, or challenge. It often involves surpassing opponents or meeting specific goals, resulting in a favorable outcome. Winning can apply to various contexts, including sports, games, personal achievements, and broader life situations.



This scene tells you all you need to know. It is just another business for him, despite him calling it a hobby. If they win, added bonus. But at the end of the day all that matters to him is the fact it is a business and how to generate as much value as possible. Wins and losses don't affect him. People still buy the tickets, the beer, the merch. People still watch.

Sure, winning would be nice. But that's not on the top of the pyramid of priorities for him.

He proved that this past off-season. Hhhmm.... Derrick Henry or Zeke? Let's bring Zeke back.

Big Frog II

Active Member
I haven't met Jerry Jones personally nor had dealings with the man so I cannot attest to what a great (or sorry) person he is. But one thing I know just from reading the sports and business sections of the New York Times over the past several years is that he is a doggoned good businessman and that's the main lens I use to "grade" him.
  • The Cowboys were just about up to their ham hocks in debt when Jones bought the franchise in 1989.
  • Against a lot of outsider advice he paid $140 million (a significant portion of that personal loans) for a business that was losing money and not too many steps away from bankruptcy.
  • He learned the NFL business by doing it, making friends and enemies as he learned
  • He has evolved into one of the "listened to" owners in the NFL, not necessarily the most beloved owner, nor the most revered, but others around the table listen to what he says
  • Their wins-to-player-cost is 4th best in the NFL at 120 (which means they're definitely way above-average at filling a roster with competent personnel)
  • The latest franchise value (as per Forbes) was $10.1 billion.
So, is Jerry Jones a genius? an azzhat? a guy shot full of luck? Like most of us on this board, looking at our life histories over a half-century, likely a mix of all three of those qualities along with a few others tossed in at random. I'm not here to advocate for his sainthood, just to mention that as a businessman he's a pretty good operator and I admire him for it.
He has run the business side well. He has not done the same on the football side.

hometown frog

Active Member
Brilliant businessman and owner/nfluencer within the NFL owners group.

terrible general manager that cannot get out of his own way. And the only reason that failure has not impacted his pocketbook is because the rabid cult fandom of the Cowboys is the strongest in almost any sport. (i argue some of the long standing Premiere League fans are more rabid than cowboys fans.)

Frog Attack II

Active Member
Imagine how much they would be worth with a real football GM... Jerry could sell that even more... But his ego won't let him give up that kind of control.

I watched his scene in Landman and recognized it as one of many distractions that normal GM's don't have to worry about... Instead, they are watching film.... While Jerry is being put on film.