• The KillerFrogs

NCAA Approves Reform, Power 5 Conferences Can Write Own Rules


New Member
The NCAA Division I board of directors on Thursday voted to allow the 65 schools in the top five conferences to write many of their own rules. The autonomy measures -- which the power conferences had all but demanded -- will permit those leagues to decide on things such as cost-of-attendance stipends and insurance benefits for players, staff sizes, recruiting rules and mandatory hours spent on individual sports.
I think This is Bad News All Around. This Will End Up Being a Bad Thing in the Long Run in My Opinion. Will Suck the enjoyment Out of College Football


Active Member
I guess I'm confused: how will distribution of money affect your enjoyment of the on-field product?

There will still be scholarship and roster limits in place, so the delusion of Texas or Alabama getting every 5-star commit is nothing more than fear-mongering (and let's be real, that's basically been happening since recruiting rankings existed anyway). Plus, if some rich idiot wants to put a million bucks in the hands of an 17-year old, why should we stop him? I fail to see the moral dilemma of an open market. The current NCAA is as close to applied socialism/Communism as any American organization in existence. A free market should be celebrated.


Active Member
DickBumpastache said:
I guess I'm confused: how will distribution of money affect your enjoyment of the on-field product?

There will still be scholarship and roster limits in place, so the delusion of Texas or Alabama getting every 5-star commit is nothing more than fear-mongering (and let's be real, that's basically been happening since recruiting rankings existed anyway). Plus, if some rich idiot wants to put a million bucks in the hands of an 17-year old, why should we stop him? I fail to see the moral dilemma of an open market. The current NCAA is as close to applied socialism/Communism as any American organization in existence. A free market should be celebrated.
I'm leaning this way as well. It's going to change some things internally, but I don't think us outsiders/fans will notice much of a difference. It certainly won't effect my enjoyment of college football, which is the greatest sport on Earth.


Lifelong Frog
What I am not sure about is how today's decision for the Power 5 really affects the Rice's, BYUs, Louisiana Techs, etc. Does it put them at a disadvantage (or further disadvantage)?
TCU: In before the lock.


Active Member
TopFrog said:
What I am not sure about is how today's decision for the Power 5 really affects the Rice's, BYUs, Louisiana Techs, etc. Does it put them at a disadvantage (or further disadvantage)?
TCU: In before the lock.
In a word: Yes.

Limp Lizard

Full Member
GoFrogs21 said:
Thanks Aggies!
Sherrill must be livid about TCU being one of the 65.  His hatred for Wacker and TCU was monumental..especially for Wacker who dared to try and clean up college football.  Sherrill and Berst made sure that would not happen.  Sherrill has been at many, many aggie booster functions the last few years, btw; an honored guest.  I would feel a little better about the aggies if they did not still worship at the Church of Jackie.


Active Member
 Not everyone in the power 5 conferences thinks it is a good idea here Is what K State  Coach Snyders aid about it “To me, that’s not what football is about,” Snyder said. “Now, that’s only my opinion. I’m not upset with the people that promote some of that stuff because they’re trying to do their thing. That’s what they do. But I think we’ve lost sight of what college athletics is all about.” Read more here: http://www.kansascity.com/sports/college/big-12/kansas-state/article1161953.html#storylink=cpy

Limp Lizard

Full Member
HoustonHornedFrog said:
 Not everyone in the power 5 conferences thinks it is a good idea here Is what K State  Coach Snyders aid about it “To me, that’s not what football is about,” Snyder said. “Now, that’s only my opinion. I’m not upset with the people that promote some of that stuff because they’re trying to do their thing. That’s what they do. But I think we’ve lost sight of what college athletics is all about.” Read more here: http://www.kansascity.com/sports/college/big-12/kansas-state/article1161953.html#storylink=cpy
Don't see how Snyder's comments address this new legislation.  His comments were about TV control and about disproportionate money being spent on football.  Those things will probably increase some for the 65, due to this. Snyder's comments would have lost little if this legislation were not even being considered.


Active Member
TopFrog said:
What I am not sure about is how today's decision for the Power 5 really affects the Rice's, BYUs, Louisiana Techs, etc. Does it put them at a disadvantage (or further disadvantage)?
TCU: In before the lock.
Lots will try to keep up. I think BYU is the only one that definitely can.  
UCF, USF, Boise and Houston will put up a really good fight to keep up.  
UConn, CInci, SMU, Colorado State, Tulane, Memphis all come to mind as "might keep up," and schools like UTSA, UTEP, Rice, FIU, etc. look to be left behind. 

Riff Ram

Full Member
My guess is that the door to major conference membership for the have-nots is now closed and locked.
And that it is most unlikely that any power 5 school ever exits--or is booted from-- the club.
Utah and the Frogs were the only ones who got in.
BYU et al are very sad today.


Active Member
The Fat5 had to do this, otherwise the unionization and concussion lawsuits would drown them.  The non-Fat5 voted for it for the same reasons and they have fewer resources to defend themselves.
Shortly we'll see the Fat5 prohibiting games against nonFat5 teams.  For those of you who don't like playing SMU, we won't have any choice very soon.  That will apply to the Fat5 bowl tie-ins too.  The Fat5 won't be sharing any revenues with any nonFat5 teams.  Maximizes revenues since they won't be paying $1.5m for OOC bodybag games anymore.  Just home and home with other Fat5 teams for OOC, generally better attendance and TV money.
That giant sucking sound is BYU puckering up to kiss any butt they can to get into any Fat5 conference they can.
Not saying I agree with this or am for this, just my opinion on what is coming next.  FWIW, I for one will miss playing SMU.


Active Member
HG73 said:
. . .
That giant sucking sound is BYU puckering up to kiss any butt they can to get into any Fat5 conference they can.
. . .
This may be an entertaining sideshow in this whole circus.  Time for BYU to put up or shut up on their claims that they will shut down athletics if not permitted special rules for 2-year missions in the middle of college eligibility, an extra-special TV deal just for their Church's TV channel, no Sunday play, etc., etc.
I will have more respect for their Church leadership if they actually stick to their guns, and don't have a sudden Revelation of Knowledge that playing by the same rules as everyone else is actually OK.
All this assumes that any "Fat5"** will have them.
** great term, by the way


Active Member
College Football has always been a struggle between good and evil. There have always been those that willed to win at any cost and those that chose to play by the rules. Ultimately it will be as it has always been--about the money.
Some will always chose to do the right things the right way, but for the majority it is "just win, baby, just win".
So take the game for what it is now and probably always was--entertainment.
Winning does nothing to increase and losing does nothing to decrease anybody's standing before God almighty.
And at the end of the day nothing said by a single pundit, analyst, broadcaster or commentator in any social media or sports entertainment network amounts to a pitcher of warm spit.
That said the NCAA is a joke and ESPN has ruined whatever might have been of the 'good old days'.