• The KillerFrogs

Mason Rudolph wins the Johnny Unitas award


Active Member
The award takes into account success on the field and also notes that winners are "judged on their character, citizenship, scholastic achievement, and leadership qualities."

I think Rudolph's and Gundy's comments are no coincidence as it relates to Mayfield

"Winning the Johnny Unitas Golden Arm Award is a meaningful honor for me because this is a reflection of how I was raised," Rudolph said. "I was taught from a young age that there is more to life than football and I'm thankful to the committee for selecting me. I am humbled and thankful to everyone who helped me get to this point."

"Mason represents our football program the right way. He's won a ton of games for us. He's played with broken ribs, he's played with a broken foot and he's been tremendous for this school and tremendous for society," Oklahoma State head coach Mike Gundy said. "I had a conversation with his mom and dad and told them for everything that he's done (on the field), as a parent, you should be more proud of what he's done (in the community). He's awesome."



Full Member
No doubt Mayfield will file this away in his imaginary Rolodex of perceived injustices perpetrated against him for no reason.

I disagree. There is a reason Mayfield will perceive he was not considered worthy by the Johnny U committee. My bet is that he will only learn his life lessons the hard way.

Mayfield is the same species as RGIII and Johnny Foosball.

Mean Purple

Active Member
With his service to community, the way he handles himself, humble approach and play, I think Mason is perfect for the award.

Hoping he does just a well at the next level.

French Frog

Active Member
Mason Rudolph is a great kid and a class act. He is also an incredible athlete and in my opinion, he is the prototypical NFL QB.

Congratulations Mason and good luck at the next level.