• The KillerFrogs

Has anyone seen my specialty plates?




all that money and he can't afford a long enough tie?


Full Member
Who is the greatest 90s/2000s wrestler and why is it Sting?

Just saw a clip on twitter and I was immediately 12 Again.
Was on Instagram last night and saw a picture of hulk hogan. Thought what the hell, clicked on his account.

If you want to see some old wrestlers that bring back some memories, float through his pictures. Sgt Slaughter, Bruce the Barber Beefcake, King Kong Buddy to name a few.


Active Member
Fortunately from a distance. It hit Big Spring.
The worst one I was ever in was in Kuwait. It lasted 4 days. You had to cover every inch of your body and wear goggles to go outside. If you didn't the sand blowing sideways at 75 mph would break your skin. Sitting in the VC chair of a HMMWV (front seat passenger side) you couldn't see the front of the hood, let alone the road. Had to follow the road on Blue Force Tracker as best we could to get back inside the wire.

We had a dozen or so blow through while I was in Iraq/Kuwait and most didn't even last a full day, but that one was pure misery less than a month before we redeployed home.


Active Member
Ive seen her haboobs.

Adding “haboob” to the spelling bee list. It’s the result of a breast augmentation surgery in which one side is successful and the other results in something so awkward you can’t help but laugh.

edit: Still refining the definition. Now going with: “The smaller half of an asymmetrical breast augmentation.”
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