• The KillerFrogs

Has anyone seen my specialty plates?


Full Member
Always wondered why they call these “self-help” books when somebody else wrote them. Seems to me like folks read the book looking for someone else’s advice.
I went to Barnes and Noble to try and find these books. I asked the sales person where the self help section was and he said, “If I told you, wouldn’t that pretty much defeat the porpoise?”
I asked him what any of this had to do with dolphins and then he sent me to find a book that explained that dolphins are not the same as porpoises.
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Tier 1
Just ordered 10 more books of Who Moved My Cheese? for my new team. If you haven't read it, do. Even better, Peaks and Valleys, by Spencer Johnson, M.D. Simple, but great.
Years ago my wife’s boss had everyone read this and afterward basically blew his top when everyone had rolled their eyes at him and …

stare what GIF

Land Frog

Darn baylor!
Years ago my wife’s boss had everyone read this and afterward basically blew his top when everyone had rolled their eyes at him and …

stare what GIF
It says a lot about a person that will not read that book with huge font in 45 minutes and take something positive away. Many low producers won't finish it


Tier 1
It says a lot about a person that will not read that book with huge font in 45 minutes and take something positive away. Many low producers won't finish it
They read it and it was an after action review. Their reaction was to his basic bad management style thinking one style fits all and reading the book would solve anything.