• The KillerFrogs

Has anyone seen my specialty plates?


Active Member
So, I had never seen this Keebler product before but certainly did a double take on the name when someone brought them in for snacks today.


Imagine seeing these on the shelves. TBH, they slap. Solid chip.


Active Member
Stay hard 2314.

Top has been through the ringer these last few years. Some have their opinions about him, but the man lost one of his best friends in 2019 to cancer, his father (my grandfather) and his other best friend in 2020.

Keep Top in your prayers because he has a great backstory that most don’t know. Absolute solid citizen, that guy.

I had no idea who 2314 was until Top and Shreve told me a few years ago. We had been in a few internet spats, but after I learned who he was, I was taken back. I’ve known and been around him numerous times. Tony was a very good man.


Active Member
Marcus Spears on Mike Greenberg’s new radio show to be asked about Adrian Peterson. When Greeny asked him who was the best RB he ever played with he said “LT, and it’s not even that close.” Went on for a minute or 2 talking about how awesome LT was on the chargers and how hey could never stop him in the red zone.