Was I supposed to type something here?
Resolved: The Re-Seating was a slap in the face to very nearly all long-time Season Ticket holders. It's over and done with. Section V ain't coming back. Greed, stupidity and short-sightedness were the order of the day, and many are still pissed off about it 10 years down the line. I'm one of them.Not enough to notice. I think you might get more points just by donating $50.
Thinking of it, you might get more points just by donating the cost of the season tickets than actually buying the tickets and showing up. Have not calculated that yet.
But, as I said. It is done. Can't fix it now. All they can do is try to and repair things, and what they've done with yanking the chain of the StubHub Brigade is a step in the right direction which was long overdue.