• The KillerFrogs



Active Member
Hey I am not here to pick fights, but there is a definition for Christianity that Jesus is the only son of God the Father and is the Messiah. Mormonism does not hold to that belief and therefore is not truly Christian unless you use a relativist view that says all views and definitions are left to the individual which then leads to a world where no view or definition in the true sense of the word can exist, and in that world no dictionary can exist, no physical or mathematical laws can exist because everyting is relative to the individual.

All that being said I stepped over the line with the words crazy stuff and I apologize (it hurt me to reread that especially at my age that was thoughtles of me).

Definition on Christianity according to Webster:

1) the religion derived from Jesus Christ, based on the Bible as sacred scripture, and professed by Eastern, Roman Catholic, and Protestant bodies

2) the religion that is based on the teachings of Jesus Christ


Active Member
This is likewise the basis for the Protestant faith: Man pissing up the divine, is it not? How is Joseph Smith rebelling against dominant Christian doctrine any different than Martin Luther rebelling against dominant Christian doctrine?

See, that's the problem. You start throwing these stones around, and your glass house comes down. Any case you want to make as far as Mormons not being Christian, a Catholic could just as easily make against a Protestant (and vice versa). A Catholic could (and some do) say that Protestants aren't "real" Christians because they reject the Church that Christ established, and by rejecting Christ's Church you reject Christ. Protestants could (and some do) say that Catholics aren't "real" Christians because they reject Sola Scriptura, or put too much emphasis on the Blessed Mother.

Reminds me of a homily my priest used recently, right around election time. There had been a lot of controversy recently over whether Catholics that voted for Pro-Choice candidates could receive the Eucharist, so the Bishop sent a Priest an exhaustive list of sins and beliefs that disqualified someone from receiving the Eucharist. As he began to read, some folks started to file out, more reading, more leaving, and so on until he realized the only person left at Mass was a little old Polish lady...and she didn't speak English. Moreover, he realized that he belonged in the parking lot with the rest of the parish!

Point is, you start trying to judge who is and is not a Christian, and you'll probably find that we all fall short of the standard in one way or another. Someone doing their best to follow Christ as they best understand it, be it through the LDS Church, Catholic Church, DOC, Methodist, Baptist? That's good enough for me. Fortunately, that decision is well above our pay grade.

I like this answer.


Full Member
What is kinda funny about this thread, is that the Disciples of Christ arose around the same time as the LDS Church and also rejected contemporary Christianity as corrupt and away from its Biblical roots and were a key part of the Restoration Movement.... Many early followers of the LDS Church had started their religious activities as followers of Alexander Campbell.

On the other hand, the Baptists kicked the followers of Thomas and Alexander Campbell out (after the Presbyterians had already kicked out Thomas Campbell)..... I guess the hostility to competing beliefs continues....

Cool story bro


Active Member
I haven't read this thread since day 1... is it okay to make fun of Scientology yet?
