• The KillerFrogs

Fields arrested, misdemeanor assault


Active Member
tcudad said:
Are you this confrontational to other posters?
Yes, he usually is with me, anyway... but in Repy's defense, as many of us are, you may want to spell out the rationale of  your "opinion"(instead of asking us to go back a few pages)... as we are discussing the future and welfare of one of our key players ... and the welfare of the team as a whole, too. It may even get to a point that the team comes to a group concience... who knows; but to run to your conclusion based on an opinon, on KFC, wiithout outlining specifics, is a bit unfair to 1 of our student athletes... even if he hasn't been the perfect angel.
Cheers !   

Atomic Frawg

Full Member
Calm down people. Calm down. No one here has any decision-making authority, and few , if any are going to turn in their season tickets whether he stays or goes. So Keep Calm and Gary On. Almost sounds like some folk wish the allegations were true.


Active Member
Initially, when this story came out, I was one of DF's harshest critics and wrote him off as guilty and out of TCU.  I'm a bit more undecided as more comes out.
- Alleged victim has recanted part of her story
- They supposedly let him in the house. Why? There's no logic to this part of the alleged victim's story. It's less weird knowing now that a gun wasn't involved. 
- TCU only suspended him and went silent. If the guy went ape [Craig James] and hit the girl and another teammate witnessed it,you know the school has talked to that witness. Seems like he's either protecting DF (why would you protect a lady beater?) or the story was grossly exaggerated/incorrect.
- I wouldn't be shocked if alcohol was involved and could've impaired the judgment, recollection and actions of everyone involved. 
I would be interested to hear the 911 call and see the witnesses' affidavits. 
I'm changing course on this debacle and DF and reserving judgment until more comes out. 


Active Member
If he hit the woman I think he should be gone. If he didn't, I'm his biggest supporter. Since we'll likely never know for sure, I'll trust GP that he's not readmitting a woman beater.


Active Member
Mistletoad said:
Not exacty.. more like Moses' flock deciding to tailgate at the gentlemen's club, while he was up on Mount Sinai.
Cheers !
Oh, dang. A consensus. 
And you know, the Jews had to get generations' worth of guilt-free fun in before the era of lifelong guilt began. 


Active Member
I'm pretty sure a decision will be a made in a couple days. Not decided yet. Educated guess tells me by Friday, announced/leaked shortly after