• The KillerFrogs

Coug Home Cooking


Active Member
not sure if this has been posted. crazy.



New Member
somebody should have some 'splaining to do......should be consequences for this......improper conduct by BYU

He turned the video equipment on. That was the extent of his technical involvement.

He didn't seem to impact the Aztec's earlier replay issue which went against the Cougars. Be consistent, not vapid.



Was I supposed to type something here?
Typical BYU. They act as if everything was set up for them and them alone. Arrogant, backstabbing cheaters. Almost as bad as UT.

SDSU was a potential Top 25 team, and now that's gone thanks to a BYU 'Fix Is In' officiating crew and call.

I certainly hope we don't have to deal with such a thing down the road this season. I think all on this board remember the SDfSU game in 2000...

It will be good to be rid of them.

sous vide

Typical BYU. They act as if everything was set up for them and them alone. Arrogant, backstabbing cheaters. Almost as bad as UT.

SDSU was a potential Top 25 team, and now that's gone thanks to a BYU 'Fix Is In' officiating crew and call.

I certainly hope we don't have to deal with such a thing down the road this season. I think all on this board remember the SDfSU game in 2000...

It will be good to be rid of them.

I'm wondering what SDSU did to the officials's union, or whatever. This is the second major bad call against them this year. The previous one definitely changed the game outcome and this one may have.


Active Member
He turned the video equipment on. That was the extent of his technical involvement.

He didn't seem to impact the Aztec's earlier replay issue which went against the Cougars. Be consistent, not vapid.

Let's see the clear video of that play.. Oh right.. there wasn't any. That fumble was as clear as day. Easy call to overturn.
He must have not turned the video equipement on soon enough.
Typical BYU. They act as if everything was set up for them and them alone. Arrogant, backstabbing cheaters. Almost as bad as UT.

SDSU was a potential Top 25 team, and now that's gone thanks to a BYU 'Fix Is In' officiating crew and call.

I certainly hope we don't have to deal with such a thing down the road this season. I think all on this board remember the SDfSU game in 2000...

It will be good to be rid of them.

San Jose State otherwise I think of as SJFSU was the only regular season loss in 2000. I remember it well because I was out there for that game! Everything about that game sucked from losing to dealing with the sorry stadium and the sorry fans. San Diego State was not in the conference and was not on the schedule back then. They were in the MWC.


Was I supposed to type something here?
I plead typo. I meant to type SJfSU, but, eh...

IIRC, there was a number of ghastly calls that went against TCU that night, including a completely bogus fumble ruling. I think it was our last WAC game, and we were assigned an officiating crew that we had had problems with for the previous two seasons. They got their kicks in on us, dropping TCU from the Top 10 and a possible BCS berth, and probably costing the WAC a ton of money.


New Member
Let's see the clear video of that play.. Oh right.. there wasn't any. That fumble was as clear as day. Easy call to overturn.
He must have not turned the video equipement on soon enough.

I don't know exactly what the call was, but the official said at the time, "the play stands," not "the call is confirmed."

The only explanation which we received to justify the call was the fact that the whistle had blown the dead, prematurely. If it had and somebody fumbles after the blown whistle, what's the call? I haven't read the rulebook. However, I also know not to jump to conclusions based upon scant evidence. Two replay officials and a video technical guy. Given the nature of your expressions, it is doubtful you are capable of judging it fairly. A binary type of judgment you appear to have.

There are no conspiracies by us, just against us.



New Member
I plead typo. I meant to type SJfSU, but, eh...

IIRC, there was a number of ghastly calls that went against TCU that night, including a completely bogus fumble ruling. I think it was our last WAC game, and we were assigned an officiating crew that we had had problems with for the previous two seasons. They got their kicks in on us, dropping TCU from the Top 10 and a possible BCS berth, and probably costing the WAC a ton of money.

what would it be if you put the "f" inside BYU?


Full Member
Only the NCAA would allow an employee of one of the teams in the replay booth. What a joke. Have they never heard of being above reproach? The only people that shoud be in the booth are the officials and if they have a problem with the video equiptment there should be rules in place to deal with the siuation.


New Member
Only the NCAA would allow an employee of one of the teams in the replay booth. What a joke. Have they never heard of being above reproach? The only people that shoud be in the booth are the officials and if they have a problem with the video equiptment there should be rules in place to deal with the siuation.

Makes sense but does anybody really believe it wasn't more of a snafoo than by design? It makes for good comedy though.



Active Member
not sure if this has been posted. crazy.


First the "back stabbing" and now this. Those BYU folks are not endearing themselves to MWC folks.