• The KillerFrogs

College Football News...for those who think ESPN is tough on TCU


Full Member
It’s an interesting question for sure. A few years ago, it was clearly just talent but I’d say Lincoln has done a good job of breaking our defenseo down in the last few years. They have destroyed us upfront (OL vs our DL) the last 2 years. Bedenbaugh has that OU OL on another level.

I would throw out the fact that until the refs start calling holding and lying on top of defensive players as penalties they will be good.


Active Member
Coaching and scheme. The talent gap should have been the widest when we played OU close from 2012-2015, when our upperclassmen were recruited during the MWC days. Then Riley gets there and OU puts up 52, 38, 41, and 52 points, and, outside of a comeback in 2016 after trailing 49-24, the games haven't been close. He's found something in GP's defense that GP hasn't been able to adjust to yet.

The fact that their OL holds on literally every play, knowing the refs will come to see it as "normal" and thus won't call it, is definitely scheme as well.


Active Member
Yeah, our lowly-ranked recruiting classes mean we could never hope to beat a secsecsec squad full of perennial top-five talent. Maybe we should give up football.

https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/YbuSv3ojbb-G87LyOPdT7xFLvJU=/82x0:494x275/1200x800/filters:focal(82x0:494x275):no_upscale()/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/45131358/[ get out of here ].0.0.gif

That end-zone interception remains a supreme thing of beauty...