• The KillerFrogs

agree or disagree

Deep Purple

Full Member
Not exactly hard evidence. The issues:

  • Are the Portuguese numbers credibly gathered and statistically valid? We don't know.
  • Could Portuguese social factors other than legalization be responsible for the decline in drug use? We don't know.
  • Joao Goulao, President of the Institute of Drugs & Drug Addiction, added that other factors also played their part: "This development can not only be attributed to decriminalization, but to a confluence of treatment and risk reduction policies."

Doesn't exactly meet the criterion of "hard evidence." One thing that is clear from the Portuguese example: Treatment of drug users is a more effective policy than the US model of criminal punishment.


Active Member
No. Prohibition was repealed because it led to a dramatic escalation of organized crime and violence, and because it became a widely unpopular law with the general population.

The analogies to outlawed drug use are totally misplaced. Alcohol had a long and time-honored history of legality, predominant social acceptance, and extremely widespread use before it was temporarily outlawed. That is not the case with most drugs that are now outlawed. Almost all illegal drugs have no extended history of legality, widespread social acceptance, or use by the majority in this country. Moreover,
with the possible exception of marijuana, there is no majority sentiment for legalization, as there was for the repeal of Prohibition.

Somebody referred to the Prohibition experiment with alcohol as trying to put the genie back in the bottle, which is a pretty apt way of putting it. With almost all illegal drugs, there is no genie, much less a bottle.

you are not right. the re-peal of prohibition was in large measure due to govt. at all levels re-thinking their tax collections and costs. and also there was a staggering array of ways to get alcohol legally. so it was never about alcohol. but is was always about morality.

if your protestant then likely you view alcohol use as a sin, catholics use it in their liturgy.

pot has been in use since the dawn of man....and yet we manage to have 6 billion people on planet earth with a quality of life unimagined.. according to the 'prohibitionists' drugs threaten this prosperity? highly unlikley.

its never been substantiated that pot is addictive , deleterious or lead to hard drugs. but you never hear that because the public debate is driven by prohibitionists and those who profit from its illegalization.

do you know how much the 'war on drugs' costs. more than afghan and iraq combined. with less success. let me rephrase that ...with no success

pot remains the number one drug of choice by costs...80% of all drug use is pot. and if you are in colorado springs you can go to any of dozens of clinics and get all you want. in texas no.

possesion of under one ounce in california is a class c misdemeanor. now if you are tubing on havasu and cross the imaginary dotted line and find yourself in arizona, its a felony. and i guess they could charge you with interstate transport also.

drug laws have nothing to do with drug abuse and everything to do with budgets, profits and agendas.