• The KillerFrogs

ACC officially votes to add Cal, Stanford, SMU

Deep Purple

Full Member
I thought no one at TCU cared about SMU anymore? It's all you guys have talked about the day before you face off against Coach Prime and CU.
There is one thread about the SMU-AAC marriage and about 6-7 threads about the Colorado game. The glut of SMU delusion is exactly why I quit patronizing Ponyfans.com about 12 years ago. You folks need to lay off the white powder and come back down to reality.

We talk about SMU they way people talk about weird neighbors like this...

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Full Member
I have come to revel in the lamentations of my enemies. Please do not disappoint me.

It is a down by 5, 3 seconds left, 10 players on the field, best receiver out of the game, third string QB in the game, Hail Mary of all conference moves.

What could go wrong?
What a tough week for those poor little toads…

First getting one up’d by SMU, then you get beat by a team that is 1-11 last year and has a bunch of “replacement players”

Meanwhile across town…. 1-0.

This is so so so juicy and palatable :)

Can’t wait for the ponies to smoke sunny now that he has his own players and not someone else’s :cool:


New Member
The death penalty excuse falls flat to me just because it was so long ago. When SMU got the death penalty, Boise State was a JUCO. And yet it didn’t stop them from winning a NY6 bowl three times, as well has having a ton of top 25 finishes and conference championships. UCF was also in a similar situation.

No argument from me in regards to money, being in the ACC at no TV money is better for SMU than being in the AAC. This is good for SMU and they are making the correct decision.

Your last point is where you are most wrong and where I think other SMU fans have it wrong as well. I don’t think any TCU fans have been making fun of SMU for their conference affiliation. TCU was also lost in the desert for a long time. After the SWC conference dissolved TCU had to do their time in the WAC, CUSA, MWC. The difference is that TCU actually won on the field when we were lost in the desert. TCU won the conference seven time when we were stuck in those conferences. TCU finished in the top 25 a lot and went to two NY6 bowls including a Rose Bowl win.

If SMU had been winning the AAC and going to NY6 bowls this would be a different situation. I think a lot of SMU fans seem to feel like the only thing that was separating SMU and TCU was conference affiliation, but I think that just ignores the actual on field success.
Any good coach smu had though left for better programs and any good season they had, were reset several times. While Coach Patterson never left until SMU embarrassed us at home and we had to suck up our pride and get Sunny!

We have always had to work for everything. Smu is like Coke and we are like Pepsi. The sleeping giant has just woken up. SMU alumni are going to buy players with the NIL contracts like they did in the 80’s. Coaches won’t leave and I predict, they will get a big name coach for 2025.

We have to stay do the same and keep working the grind. Let’s face it, they have an easier sell because of location.

Personally, I’m pissed we are still in the Big 12. The Big 12 is basically the AAC now from who we let in. We are the leaders along with Baylor and Tech of the B12. We need to face the facts and be proactive to get into the Big 10 and get out!


Active Member
Any good coach smu had though left for better programs and any good season they had, were reset several times. While Coach Patterson never left until SMU embarrassed us at home and we had to suck up our pride and get Sunny!

We have always had to work for everything. Smu is like Coke and we are like Pepsi. The sleeping giant has just woken up. SMU alumni are going to buy players with the NIL contracts like they did in the 80’s. Coaches won’t leave and I predict, they will get a big name coach for 2025.

We have to stay do the same and keep working the grind. Let’s face it, they have an easier sell because of location.

Personally, I’m pissed we are still in the Big 12. The Big 12 is basically the AAC now from who we let in. We are the leaders along with Baylor and Tech of the B12. We need to face the facts and be proactive to get into the Big 10 and get out!

Geez SMU is going to play TCU in like three weeks. Can’t you SMU fans have a little patience and wait a few weeks. If SMU wins, come back and do your trolling then. It will be a much more satisfying trolling experience for you.

There is a normal cadence to these sort of things. This week is for Colorado fans to troll if they so please. Your turn is not scheduled for another few weeks, if applicable.
Notre Dame has won 28 straight regular-season games against Atlantic Coast Conference opponents.

“Of the 28 wins since 2018 — and Notre Dame has twice lost to Clemson in the postseason over that span — thirteen came against Boston College, Duke (amid its recent, now terminated, swoon), Georgia Tech, Syracuse and Virginia Tech. Those teams haven’t exactly fared very well against anyone in that timeframe.”
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Full Member
Where to even start on the greatness of this situation…

ACC - Premier academic institutions (#1 in P4) and great travel destinations.

Hillbilly-12 - a bunch of Junior college caliber institutions and terrible travel destinations (hello Houston, Cincy, Waco, Lubbock and Manhattan Kansas woo hoo!)

Oh, and superior in Basketball and Football.

Must be very disheartening to have big brother reappear from the 1980’s and one up our position in very metric.

Once athletes realize that they can play major P4 football in DFW, those kids will choose Big D over cow town :/

Please no pouting when sleezy Dykes’ classes start to take a hit and ours rises :)

Now that we will be replacing our non conference games with TCWho with home and away with Notre Dame things fell into place quite neatly like they normally do for winners (at life).

Enjoy those home and aways with new members Houston and Cincy LMFAO.

Good Luck in the Hillbilly-12!
You forgot to mention undefeated in baseball. Troll!

An-Cap Frog

Atlantic Coast Conference adds California. Think about that.

dumbass GIF


Active Member
This whole thing does just echo the general SMU experience. Much like the football program kisses up to daddy to pay for undeserved attention, as go the endless identical frat guys named Kyle and Caleb from Plano that can't get into a good school and settle for SMU. Then fall upwards into a nice internship from, again, Daddy's money and influence and get a decent middle management job in DC before amounting to nothing and leaving no legacy in life.

SMU is Oedipus Complex University. Go ask Daddy for money instead of the attention or love you actually need.


Active Member
SMU has been in American Athletic Conference since 2013, not only have they never won the conference, they've never even played in the conference championship game.

I guess their motivation is to get their ass kicked harder by higher profile teams for no money.
Hey, sounds like uterus' plan, but for MORE money.