Where to even start on the greatness of this situation…
ACC - Premier academic institutions (#1 in P4) and great travel destinations.
Hillbilly-12 - a bunch of Junior college caliber institutions and terrible travel destinations (hello Houston, Cincy, Waco, Lubbock and Manhattan Kansas woo hoo!)
Oh, and superior in Basketball and Football.
Must be very disheartening to have big brother reappear from the 1980’s and one up our position in very metric.
Once athletes realize that they can play major P4 football in DFW, those kids will choose Big D over cow town :/
Please no pouting when sleezy Dykes’ classes start to take a hit and ours rises
Now that we will be replacing our non conference games with TCWho with home and away with Notre Dame things fell into place quite neatly like they normally do for winners (at life).
Enjoy those home and aways with new members Houston and Cincy LMFAO.
Good Luck in the Hillbilly-12!