• The KillerFrogs

I’m convinced


Active Member
mentioned it before, but this game has been smart's focus since they won the title last year

everything they did in the offseason, in spring, the summer, fall camp, and through the season was to have his team peaking at game 15

compare that to what sonny and his staff have been doing since they came to tcu simply starting with keeping kids to not leave, to get buying to the offseason, to build trust.....

one program has the deepest roster in the country, committed a ton of resources to player development, and has been to the title game how many times and the other was going week to week in october and november
This would be like the Wright Brothers entering their first functioning plane into the Red Bull Air Race World Championships. We had a program cobbled together from a fired former defensive-minded coach's philosophy into a new offensive-minded coach's philosophy with players from half a dozen other schools portal transfers and new recruits.

We accomplished AMAAAAZING things this year, and we were pretty much all but spent. But hey, like I said in another post, we spent our last gasping breaths in the National frickin' Championship game.

KTown Frog

Active Member
The outcome was brutal, but the lead up to the game, all the TCU talk, the fans traveling and packing the stadium, the entire TCU section standing up waving their towels and going nuts before kickoff, the stands going nuts after the lone touchdown (sucks to type those words), all this was incredible to experience. Would’ve have loved to put up a better show but wouldn’t trade getting here for a thousand cheez it bowls. Proud to be a Frog today and everyday!! Go Frogs!!!!

Mean Purple

Active Member
tcu and gillespie dared teams to beat them throwing the ball down the field while they took the run game away or that was the goal and they tried it last night because uga wasn't going to make the same game planning mistakes as michigan

they couldn't hold the edge in the run game or match up against the tight ends in the passing game so you are getting stretched trying to stop two different things

bennett is much better than people give him credit in making decisions and throwing the ball and you suddenly can't make players capable of doing something they aren't which uga exploited last night
I never understood folks thinking Bennett was not that good. He has been really wise in clutch situations the past two seasons.


Active Member
I have been a frog fan a long time, I graduated from TCU. For everyone to bash these guys after a loss is wrong. I am just as pissed as the next person, but all the bashing I have seen on here and other sites is stupid. These guys didn’t go to LA to take a vacation. They prepared, they just played terrible as an entire team. No run game, Max missing throws, didn’t tackle, coverage busts. I could go on. Georgia is a dang good team. I think maybe their play causes the frogs to look so bad. They are by far the best team in college football. People can “score drop” if they want to to the recruits, but they can’t say they ever played in the championship game let alone the CFP. This sucks I get it but it was not the frogs night. TCU will be back and have several more successful season because of this season.
I love how you say bashing is stupid, then go on to highlight the things people are bashing the team over (and rightfully so).

I love the frogs, but am simply going to feel stupid wearing my TCU gear on the flight home from LA because this team just proved all the haters right and laid an egg on the biggest stage of all.


I love how you say bashing is stupid, then go on to highlight the things people are bashing the team over (and rightfully so).

I love the frogs, but am simply going to feel stupid wearing my TCU gear on the flight home from LA because this team just proved all the haters right and laid an egg on the biggest stage of all.


Mean Purple

Active Member
What if last night is the best Sonny and company can do? Smart, Saban, even Dabo, they work those teams hard and push them to focus focus focus on their assignments. Every little things is blasted in their practices. Have fun and do your job aint gonna cut it. We got this far, the expection should be winning it all. If we can get there, we should be able to get back ... and win. No excuses.


Active Member
It will be a learning experience hopefully for Sonny and his staff, as well as remaining Frog Players coming back next season. First time at the CFP. If there ever is a next time for TCU, hopefully adjustments will be made regarding preparation, strategy, expectations, etc.. Georgia was laser focused from opening kick off, on a mission to not only win the game, but to absolutely destroy the opponent in their way. TCU , not so much. Frogs seemed a little in awe of the situation from the start, a little wide eyed, as Sonny mentioned at half time.
Yep and if you think about Sonny's career, there's probably nothing he's ever been involved in that would have prepared even him for a moment of this magnitude. Certainly not at Cal, Smoo, or LaTech.
I can't recall Kirby's first few years at Georgia, but I'm sure even he had to learn how to handle such stuff- Although he had the blessing of learning for a lot of years from Nick.
SO- There's opportunity to benefit from all this, even though the beating was bad. I believe Sonny is humble enough and smart enough to learn the lessons and be better going forward.


Active Member
Plenty of smiling frogs at LAX this morning. Bleed purple or bleed out
I love how you say bashing is stupid, then go on to highlight the things people are bashing the team over (and rightfully so).

I love the frogs, but am simply going to feel stupid wearing my TCU gear on the flight home from LA because this team just proved all the haters right and laid an egg on the biggest stage of all.


Yep and if you think about Sonny's career, there's probably nothing he's ever been involved in that would have prepared even him for a moment of this magnitude. Certainly not at Cal, Smoo, or LaTech.
I can't recall Kirby's first few years at Georgia, but I'm sure even he had to learn how to handle such stuff- Although he had the blessing of learning for a lot of years from Nick.
SO- There's opportunity to benefit from all this, even though the beating was bad. I believe Sonny is humble enough and smart enough to learn the lessons and be better going forward.

not just sonny, but no one on this staff that i can think of has been in a similar situation

as I have mentioned multiple times on the site already, kirby and the uga staff didn't start preparing for game 15 ten days ago

they did so a day after they won the last national title, the opponent was the least important variable to a staff who had been to a title game multiple times
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Active Member
What if last night is the best Sonny and company can do? Smart, Saban, even Dabo, they work those teams hard and push them to focus focus focus on their assignments. Every little things is blasted in their practices. Have fun and do your job aint gonna cut it. We got this far, the expection should be winning it all. If we can get there, we should be able to get back ... and win. No excuses.

Unfortunately the expanded playoffs is going to hurt teams like ours. Yes, more teams get a shot but very few have the depth. This was probably our best shot to win it all. It will only be harder now.


I love how you say bashing is stupid, then go on to highlight the things people are bashing the team over (and rightfully so).

I love the frogs, but am simply going to feel stupid wearing my TCU gear on the flight home from LA because this team just proved all the haters right and laid an egg on the biggest stage of all.
You’re going to feel stupid wearing TCU gear today? That’s ridiculous. Grow a pair, man.


Full Member
Unfortunately the expanded playoffs is going to hurt teams like ours. Yes, more teams get a shot but very few have the depth. This was probably our best shot to win it all. It will only be harder now.
Yep. Easier to get in. MUCH harder to win it all.

Said it a million times, but in past formats (mainly prior to the CFP) a team could win a Title without having to play the very best teams at the end. That's how we have Georgia Tech, BYU and Colorado among the names listed as National Champions over the past 40 years. No more. Some people think the expanded playoff is going to bring about more parity, but it might just further reveal the real differences between the truly elite and everyone else.

Regardless of outcomes of some individual games, there is almost zero doubt in my mind the three BEST teams in the country this year were Georgia, Alabama and Ohio State. About a 99% chance one of those teams would have won a 12-team playoff.
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Active Member
not just sonny, but no one on this staff that i can think of has been in a similar situation

as I have mentioned multiple times on the site already, kirby and the uga staff didn't start preparing for game 15 then days ago

they did so a day after they won the last national title, the opponent was the least important variable to a staff who had been to a title game multiple times
I'd say in Kirby's case he's been in the process of preparing for it for about 10-15 years. Can't recall his entire backstory, but with Saban he's had a front-row seat to the master class on how to take a group of 5-star players and make them play like they are unloved orphans who everyone looks down on.

Ed: Maybe the scariest thing about Kirby is how young he is, and that Georgia is is first and only HC gig. He could wind up smashing all of Nick's records if he's not careful.
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KTown Frog

Active Member
Yep. Easier to get in. MUCH harder to win it all.

Said it a million times, but in past formats (mainly prior to the CFP) a team could win a Title without having to play the very best teams at the end. That's how we have Georgia Tech, BYU and Colorado among the names listed as National Champions over the past 40 years. No more. Some people think the expanded playoff is going to bring about more parity, but it might just reveal the real differences between the truly elite and everyone else.

Regardless of outcomes of some individual games, there is almost zero doubt in my mind the three BEST teams in the country this year were Georgia, Alabama and Ohio State. About a 99% chance one of those teams would have won a 12-team playoff.
I was just saying this the other day to my buddy. I said winning this one will be special cause on the 12 team, beating potentially 3 upper elite teams in 3 weeks will be tough for anyone. In a 12 team playoff, the depth of the elite teams will show after the first round.


Full Member
Unfortunately the expanded playoffs is going to hurt teams like ours. Yes, more teams get a shot but very few have the depth. This was probably our best shot to win it all. It will only be harder now.
I think it makes it easier. More access leads to more kids wanting to play in it for exposure. There are only 22 starters for each team. Then throw in injuries and other wild cards. It will be fun.


I love the frogs, but am simply going to feel stupid wearing my TCU gear on the flight home from LA because this team just proved all the haters right and laid an egg on the biggest stage of all.
My first thought this morning when I saw the final score was please let every B12 team win by double digits at a minimum at the end of this month, during the SEC/B12 challenge, then do it again during March madness.

Alas Georgia is not partaking in the challenge, and is it bad that I actually could care less if Bama beats OU? I stand corrected, please let every B12....... (not named OU or UT).......!

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