• The KillerFrogs

Hot damn some good news for once


KIllerfrog Emeritus
my doc came to see me in the hospital this morning and delivered some encouraging news. She got all of her partners together and they did a thorough side by side analysis of all my MRI’s. The tumors are stil there and they found a new but smaller one but it was their conclusion that none had spread as much as originally thought.

What this means to me is a few more treatment options whereas yesterday I had none.

I’m still going into hospice care and I guess that starts next week. However I’ll talk with her early next week about treatments. My guess is more of the Avastin and maybe more chemo. But today was 180 degrees from yesterday

At least I am home and out of that damned hospital. She’s also cutting back some of my meds and I am happy about that. I am on a lot of medication and at times felt like a zombie. Some make you tired, others cause insomnia. I was fighting that all the time and sleep was becoming an issue. The steroids she had me on, stopped my headaches but cause other problems.

For the first time in a long time, I feel like I have a fighting chance

I’m not out of the woods and never will be, plus I’ll still be going into hospice care but it will be fine
My daughter came to visit me, I’m home and for now, life is good

Love you guys

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