• The KillerFrogs

Carlos Mendez got let go by FWST

Horned Toad

Active Member
I liked Carlos and I thought he usually did a great job. Sad time continues for the newspaper industry. If you read that article about the FW Press’ demise I can see that is the same trend for the ST.


Active Member
Always seemed like a good guy and even though I didn’t think he did the best job, never like to see someone lose their job. Had a feeling this was coming with the different videos/blog formats and segments had had going like Ask Carlos.


Active Member
Meanwhile McClatchey(sp?) at about the same time this dude was getting axed, announced the woman they brought to S-T as managing editor only a year or so ago is now getting bumped up to some regional management position out west. Pretty easy to see now what her charter was in coming here.


Full Member
Based on the shrinking size of the Startlegram newsletter in the last couple of weeks, I'm sure Carlos's downsizing is a matter of management trying to save a few dollars before it ceases publication....I can't see it surviving 2018....It's an abrasive sound..."DFW Morning Telegram"....


Full Member
I'm one of the few left I guess who still gets a paper delivered every morning....takes me about 5 minutes to read and about 2 minutes to read the sports page. I get it more out of habit than anything else.

By 6:30 AM everything is old news. It is what it is, I can't imagine any newspaper being in publication 10 years from now.


Full Member
I don't remember the last time I have purchased a newspaper/magazine or even paid to read an online article.

Journalism is in a very tough spot.

I would pay for good quality feature-type articles. Stuff like Dan Jenkins, Grantland back in the day, etc. I like the long-form articles that really dig deep.

We don’t have as much need for the daily beats with the proliferation of twitter and Facebook and that’s hurting the papers.

Frog DJ

Active Member
Welcome to mass communications in the 21st Century. It's going to get worse - a lot worse before it gets better.

Big communications corporations (print and broadcast) no longer care about the quality of content - just quantity.

Anyone with seniority or a decent salary has a gigantic target on his/her back, and it's probably only a matter of time.

I too am surprised Big Steaming Pile is still on staff, but not because he's incompetent. Rather, it's because he probably makes good money.

Bean counters rule the world, and they are constantly seeking to make the bottom line look good. Best way to do that? Fire anyone with a decent salary.

They can easily hire a kid right out of college who's so desperate for a job that no paycheck is too small, and it will undoubtedly be less than whomever is replaced.

It's a sad commentary on the state of the industry, but the powers-that-be have a singleminded purpose: "Make as much money as you can, and send it all to us!"

Carlos will be lucky to land a job with a smaller outfit, or even relegated to part-time. I know highly accomplished people in many different industries who have suffered this fate.


Go Frogs!