• The KillerFrogs

BSU>TCU.....see BCS

Don Kedik

New Member
My Boise State is still ranked ahead of you Frog Folk. hahahahahahhhahaaahhahaahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahah


Active Member
I had a burger for dinner tonight. I cooked about 30 patties for our watching party yesterday, so the wife and I had leftovers...still tasty.

Horned Toad

Active Member
My Boise State is still ranked ahead of you Frog Folk. hahahahahahhhahaaahhahaahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahah
You do realize that you have to win the conference to go to a BCS game if you are the highest ranked non-AQ?




Lifelong Frog
My Boise State is still ranked ahead of you Frog Folk. hahahahahahhhahaaahhahaahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahah
And that was a surprise why? Now to go to a BCS game all you have to do is hope we lose to CSU and UNLV so you can win conference and qualify. Laugh at that chuckles.

Young and Horned

Active Member
Anyone been to 'Ball's" burgers off of Northwest Highway? I hear that is pretty good. Still, my favorite it Al's Hamburgers in Arlington on N. Collins.

Shadow Dweller

Active Member
My Boise State is still ranked ahead of you Frog Folk. hahahahahahhhahaaahhahaahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahah
36-35. Need I say more? Yes? Ok...
Kellen Moore's record against TCU? 1-2
Passing stats? Completions? 73-112 65% Not bad at all
Yards? 753 (251/gm) pretty good
TD vs Pics? 2 vs 1...ok, not really good for 112 attempts...
-35 rushing yards though :blush:
43 receiving yards too. :blink:

But, for all your rankings and bluster, you are still NOT going to be conference champs unless we just decide to sit and sing campfire songs on the field the next couple weeks. You won't be going to a BCS for that same reason regardless of what you do for the remainder of the season unless EVERYONE SINGLE team from a BCS conference currently ranked looses 1 or 2 more games and you manage to wiggle your way into #2 before the bowl selection is done. Want to know the kicker? HOUSTON, SOUTHERN MISS, and...oh yeah....TCU have a better shot of making it into a BCS game than you do here.

How does it feel to not be able to pull of what SMU and Baylor did this season?