• The KillerFrogs

Aardvark is closing


Active Member
Still got the itch to get in the bar business YA? I invested in a bar/restaurant in NYC as a side project a few years ago. Didn't end well, gonna wait a few years until I try that again!
Heck no---half your profits are guzzled by the bartenders and the other half is given away by said bartenders


Active Member
No but I had a Franzwa psych class or two there...I was more a Hi Hat / Pub kinda guy. Great day when the Hi Hat decided to offer $4 Shiner pitchers, then the Pub matched the price within a week. Think that was my senior year.

Wow. Talk about flashbacks. I haven't thought about Franzwa since 1990.
We use to have a beer (or 8) at Abernathy's before he got really rolling at the HOP.


Active Member
Kind of surprised by all the comments about the cool profs y'all seem to had. There was a history prof that played in a band at the Moon and he was cool but not tell your TA to get you a beer cool.

There was some psych prof I partied with who seemed like that but he later got fired or "resigned" cause he had saved pictures of his TA to the U drive or whatever and threatened to release them when she broke up with him. Something like that.
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Active Member
Anybody hit the Su Su Lounge right off Camp Bowie on a late Friday or Saturday night? The crowd would usually pickup about midnight and go strong till 2 am.

That was a freaking scary place. We used to get out of the dorm and go bar hop every five we could find. Always had to have a beer at the Su Su.