• The KillerFrogs

Week 10 – Other Games Open Thread (w/ schedule)


Active Member
It's damn hard to watch the offensive futility of these sec teams.

But I can't turn away because I may miss something I've never seen.


Active Member
Texas Tech just got extremely lucky - Mahomes fumbled on the same play where a WVU player was hurt, wasn't reviewed and they scored a few plays later. 31-26 WVU halfway through the 4th.

Pharm Frog

Full Member
Toadster said:
The awesome Reggie Smith crew misses an obvious fumble by Mahomes. Big 12 officials are a complete embarrassment
Pretty sure they reversed the TD v non-TD call simply because they can't believe this crew is capable of getting a call right on the field.


Active Member
Fla makes field goal with 2:22 left IN GAINESVILLE to go up 9-7 on a Vandy team that hasn't won an SEC game since 2013.  Wonder how far they will drop in the CFP rankings?  My guess is they drop from #10 to about #7.