• The KillerFrogs

The "Grow Them Up" Theory and Why We Are Always Young


I don't think it's too complex. Too many underclassmen have played well for me to ever think that. It's just as likely our more senior laden defenses were better because they were physically better at 22 than they were 19 or 20 after a couple more years in the weight room.

you obviously haven't had to deliver an oral presentation on your theory of whether back out of the backfield, the wheel route by the inside receiver, or crossing routes pose the greatest threat to our civilization

this is not something that could be mastered in merely a year or two

4th. down

Active Member
I used to mosey by the R.O.T.C. office in the bowels of Winston-Scott back in the day. On one wall was a series of pictures, denoting the chain of command. It was a simple reminder of who was in charge, and in what order.

To gaze at the chain of command at TCU, AD sits over the Head Football Coach. Theoretically, he can fire him should he choose to do so. However, as you point out, there are practical considerations that do not show up in the simple chain of command.

Today, November 17, Donati may not have the backing of the restless herd of backers who, just 10-15 years ago shelled out literally millions to build that magnificent Stadium. As Del Conte said at the time, "Gary did the talking, I just followed along and collected the checks." We're not a "What Have You Done For Me Lately" outfit and never have been. But repeated, avoidable failure is galling. That support is not what it once was.

As a Program, we cannot have incompetence ruining our product. All involved understand this. It must be made clear that further failure is not acceptable. Playtime is over. And the only way to achieve the successful transmission of this message is for the recipient to know that he is out of residual goodwill.

There is a poster on another forum, who sees it like this, and i believe that he's right and this is the probable outcome after much gnashing of teeth:

A new OC will be hired that fits GP/Kill's mindset on how they want the offense run. Most of the staff would be retained. The result would be years of 5-7, 6-6, 7-5 and 8-4, with an exceptional year of 9-3 or 10-2. This will keep the program running as is and everyone keeps their job, except the OC and a couple of others and no pressure by the administration.........it's called survival.