• The KillerFrogs

TCU Talking Facelift for Daniel-Meyer Coliseum


Active Member

A source at the school said there are plans in the works to fast track some work on aging Daniel-Meyer Coliseum.

The school is looking at ways to widen the concourse, put more restrooms on the main level, and perhaps increase concessions.

They would also like to make the exterior of the building a bit more pleasing to the eye. These plans had been in the discussion phase for a while, but the move to the Big East has put them up the priority list.


Full Member
Thank God...

Ditto. And how about getting the seats closer to the floor, making it brighter inside, etc, etc. We have a great football stadium, baseball stadium, cool soccer facility, brand new track complex.....and a 1970s lookin' basketball arena that feels like you are walking back in time when you enter.

Young and Horned

Active Member
Happy they are going to put attention towards the basketball arena, it is much needed. I hope they find ways to make the actual arena look better too. Concourse really needs upgrade. I am pretty sure Abe Martin dropped a deuce in the bathrooms on his first day at TCU. Entire place needs a better look that is going to appeal to recruits.


Active Member
Not sure what is wrong with the seating area. Doubt things are going to change there considering they are replacing seats. Now you will probably have to get handrails on the aisle to be ADA compliant. It's probably just me, but I think the size of DMC is perfect for TCU. And that place can get loud and intimidating when there is a crowd in there. Please just don't go back to that silly idea of putting chairs in on the baseline like they did when CND was there.

One thing I noticed last night was there is no banner for the 1987 NCAA team. Now there a SWC Champs Banner for the season but no NCAA Banner or mention of an NCAA appearance on the 1987 banner. That's a shame. That was a great team.

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