• The KillerFrogs

TCU 360: TCU’s mask mandate to remain in place

Endless Purple

Full Member
I had two surgeries in 2020, the first being 13 stitches to close my foot up after I sliced it wide open from top to bottom. They finished stitching me up and sent me out. I look at the pain med prescription and it’s 20 pills of freaking Tylenol 300 or some [ deposit from a bull that looks like Art Briles ]. Might as well just tell me to take a couple extra regular Tylenol that I already have. I figured I was good for at least two rounds of hydrocodone after limping in there with one foot split in half

Probably a higher profit margin on the Tylenol. You wouldn't want the doctors to starve by charging too little would you?

I personally think insurance needs to be taken out of general medicine. Health care should be between me and my doctor. Insurance for catastrophic health issues. Plus TV advertising should not be for prescription medication.

Endless Purple

Full Member
For everyone saying mask don't work & we need everything back to normal. Next time you or a loved one is in surgery, I fully expect you to give the doctors written orders not to wear a mask in surgery since they don't work.

A mask mandate does not prevent the spread of anything - wearing the mask will reduce spread. So when referencing Florida - it needs to show no one in the state wears a mask for that argument to be effective. We should not need a mandate from the government to do what is right by our neighbors (I would rather the govt stay out), but too many are only about themselves.

Public service announcement - mask to not protect the wearer, but help reduce spread to others if the wearer is carrying the virus (reduce being important, since it does not cure the virus or 100% eliminate it.)

Pharm Frog

Full Member
No what we have are people self diagnosing themselves and going to the doctor to obtain the RX for conditions that they think they suffer from when they do not. If you don’t think that is an issue then you are not really talking to your wife about her work.

Better shut off the internet because THAT’s where people are self-diagnosing. And I suppose that we need to raise the price of prescriptions because seems like they are too accessible. Making a note.


Full Member
Can't speak for him, but maybe likes to under-promise and overdeliver as opposed to the other option of telling people not to worry and mislead with hyperbole by promising the virus will "miraculously disappear" when all experts had told him it was deadly and was spreading through the air. No need to worry or wear a mask. I suspect 500,000 dead people wuold have preferred he be more conservative with his words.

Lame answer. Not surprised though.


Active Member
Re: Covid - Isn’t it exhausting for y’all to reiterate the exact same positions on thread after thread? I know I don’t have to click on them (and I don’t very often), but y’all say the same thing over and over again. Are you thinking to yourself “If I say it this way, maybe the other side will change their mind”? THEY WON’T!

All of this anger is exhausting...
For everyone saying mask don't work & we need everything back to normal. Next time you or a loved one is in surgery, I fully expect you to give the doctors written orders not to wear a mask in surgery since they don't work.

A mask mandate does not prevent the spread of anything - wearing the mask will reduce spread. So when referencing Florida - it needs to show no one in the state wears a mask for that argument to be effective. We should not need a mandate from the government to do what is right by our neighbors (I would rather the govt stay out), but too many are only about themselves.

Public service announcement - mask to not protect the wearer, but help reduce spread to others if the wearer is carrying the virus (reduce being important, since it does not cure the virus or 100% eliminate it.)
You sound like you're literally shaking as you type this.

But you are right. Per the latest CDC report, mask mandates do indeed reduce COVID-19 cases....by a whopping 1.5%....over a two month period. All within the statistical margin of error!

L...O....L Fall in line, lemmings! Or else face the wrath of resident libs everywhere. It's all about feelings with them.


Active Member
Better shut off the internet because THAT’s where people are self-diagnosing. And I suppose that we need to raise the price of prescriptions because seems like they are too accessible. Making a note.
Yeah webmd and other sites are a huge part of the issue. The rx commercials just reinforce the paranoia.

Raising prices is part of the issue which I’m sure your company and others do this all the time since it is well documented. You folks don’t make billions of dollars a quarter for nothing.


Full Member
Must expresss appreciation. Anytime I am uncertain about political issues, scientific facts, medical strategy, I can tune in here to my favorite forum and learn what to do. We're fortunate to have so many medical and scientific experts participating here. Again, thank you!
So, which ones you buying?

PO Frog

Active Member
For everyone saying mask don't work & we need everything back to normal. Next time you or a loved one is in surgery, I fully expect you to give the doctors written orders not to wear a mask in surgery since they don't work.

A mask mandate does not prevent the spread of anything - wearing the mask will reduce spread. So when referencing Florida - it needs to show no one in the state wears a mask for that argument to be effective. We should not need a mandate from the government to do what is right by our neighbors (I would rather the govt stay out), but too many are only about themselves.

Public service announcement - mask to not protect the wearer, but help reduce spread to others if the wearer is carrying the virus (reduce being important, since it does not cure the virus or 100% eliminate it.)
The room is starting to spin real fast .... because of the stoopidity


Active Member
so the doctor has to write that script the patient ask for even if it isn't needed? as far as the self diagnosis why stop at pharma commercials when web md is out there among other web sites helping out with their diagnosis.

my wife talks about a number of things she deals with at work such as people our age on MULTIPLE scripts and the lack of self denial is very much an issue. for example the patients who are coming in for gastric sleeves who are back in a few weeks with leaky guts because as soon as they got out of the hospital they went right back to eating and living the same way before the "magic" procedure

another issue is the the failure to teach proper eating habits or self discipline to our children. my wife and i also talked about her work when she left the hospital for a bit to be a nurse at a high school in the school district our kids attended so her work schedule matched their school schedule.

i don't recall her talking to me about many kids in the situation you described but they had a good sized group of diabetic kids who refused to properly regulate their diets for a disease they are going to have the remainder of their life and has taken more people lives that i personally know than the covid.

doctors are an issue, pharma is an issue, and the medical system in america is at fault. thing is the average person does have a say and it starts with proper diet, basic exercise, and learning moderation but i guess the american way is blaming others first

a'freakin'men, to all of that comment

Endless Purple

Full Member
You sound like you're literally shaking as you type this.
Full on seizure.

I was killing time before heading out to dinner at a restaurant when typing it. I am actually truly surprised I survived the night in a public place. Did not think I would be here to respond.

Honestly, The anti-mask people are just as bad as those that yell at you for not wearing a mask. Two peas in a pod.


Active Member
For everyone saying mask don't work & we need everything back to normal. Next time you or a loved one is in surgery, I fully expect you to give the doctors written orders not to wear a mask in surgery since they don't work.

A mask mandate does not prevent the spread of anything - wearing the mask will reduce spread. So when referencing Florida - it needs to show no one in the state wears a mask for that argument to be effective. We should not need a mandate from the government to do what is right by our neighbors (I would rather the govt stay out), but too many are only about themselves.

Public service announcement - mask to not protect the wearer, but help reduce spread to others if the wearer is carrying the virus (reduce being important, since it does not cure the virus or 100% eliminate it.)
So you don’t actually understand the purpose of a mask in an operating theater to start

lookup bacteria vs virus to understand the correlation you are trying to make and the inaccuracy of your thought process

and the Florida references have nothing to do with the effectiveness of masks - the point of the references is they don’t have mandates and have lower rates per Capita than Texas, California and Néw York - so mandates don’t seem to work better and Florida didn’t rip their economy apart in the process of trying to control COVID-19

it’s so funny how many mask mandate supporters totally ignore that all of the increase in cases happened well into the mask mandates - which would seem to prove they don’t work well even if you ignore the reality of Florida
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