• The KillerFrogs

Paris Olympics Thread


Active Member
This is a really interesting read. About how the Aussie girl represented Australia in break dancing and some infighting stuff behind it.

Apparently the “sport/game” will not be at LA but Brisbane will have the final say on it on whether it will be back when they host. I would think after this world cringing showcase, that most rational Aussies and Queenslanders will not want it back and say no.

‘Travesty’: How the Olympics’ breaking farce was allowed to happen

hometown frog

Active Member
I don't think this was racism. It's just incompetence. The Romanian who was fifth (now fourth) was penalized for stepping out of bounds and was not allowed to appeal. It turns out that she didn't step out of bounds, should not have been penalized, and should have won the bronze.
Romanian coaches never challenged that scoring from what I read. So that’s on them to not be on top of that Real time. Live the NBC announcers saw it and were surprised they didn’t file a formal challenge.

this whole situation is just a bad deal. Regardless of whatever decisions were made, somebody was going to be hosed for nothing they did themselves.

4 Oaks Frog

Active Member
I hate that Jordan has lost her medal. The judges got a lot wrong on both athletes’ performances, and that is a shame. It pisses me off.
But, what pisses me off even more is that Jordan’s sis had to play the race card. Race had not one single thing to do with the situation. There are plenty of racist things that happen in this world that should have attention called to them. This screwed up situation isn’t one of them…

East Coast

Tier 1
I hate that Jordan has lost her medal. The judges got a lot wrong on both athletes’ performances, and that is a shame. It pisses me off.
But, what pisses me off even more is that Jordan’s sis had to play the race card. Race had not one single thing to do with the situation. There are plenty of racist things that happen in this world that should have attention called to them. This screwed up situation isn’t one of them…
I've since learned that Jordan's social media was inundated with horrible racist comments, so while agree that the situation wasn't caused by anyone with racist intent, the unwashed masses were once again bad news.

4 Oaks Frog

Active Member
That’s horrible! Stupid people cannot be explained, only pitied. If that hatred is what Jordan’s sis was referring to, I certainly understand. I don’t know that it was…


Active Member
Apparently, there is now video (time stamped, so it says) evidence that shows Chiles' coaches got their appeal in, on time.

"The time-stamped, video evidence submitted by USA Gymnastics Sunday evening shows Landi first stated her request to file an inquiry at the inquiry table 47 seconds after the score is posted, followed by a second statement 55 seconds after the score was originally posted," the statement from USA Gymnastics read. "The video footage provided was not available to USA Gymnastics prior to the tribunal's decision and thus USAG Did not have the opportunity to previously submit it."



Full Member
Apparently, there is now video (time stamped, so it says) evidence that shows Chiles' coaches got their appeal in, on time.

"The time-stamped, video evidence submitted by USA Gymnastics Sunday evening shows Landi first stated her request to file an inquiry at the inquiry table 47 seconds after the score is posted, followed by a second statement 55 seconds after the score was originally posted," the statement from USA Gymnastics read. "The video footage provided was not available to USA Gymnastics prior to the tribunal's decision and thus USAG Did not have the opportunity to previously submit it."

The one minute rule seems dumb. On the other hand, what happens if you falsely appeal? Do you lose a timeout? Why wouldn't you appeal everything?


Active Member
The one minute rule seems dumb. On the other hand, what happens if you falsely appeal? Do you lose a timeout? Why wouldn't you appeal everything?
The whole thing is such a cluster for all involved. I feel badly for the gymnasts. Poor officiating (lol I mean judging) strikes again!

I wonder if Jordan will keep her medal.


Active Member
And the next Summer Olympics is in....Los Angeles! Can't wait.
Vince Vaughn Party GIF