• The KillerFrogs

Kyle McCord to TCU


Full Member
This business of following the money certainly isn't new, it's just kinda-sorta new to college athletics. It used to be pretty much a nudge-nudge-wink-wink process but now is becoming quite public and unashamedly matter-of-fact. Student athletes are free to market themselves and make deals, but how about the college athletic departments? When will the day arrive (and I do believe it will) when schools have the ability to make trades among themselves, the way other professional sports organizations currently can do?

Abershom, Baskerville, I asked you to come by my office because I have great news for you both. We're trading you to Fermionic State U. Full scholarship, of course, and your NIL money won't change. Nothing personal, just a business decision, you understand. We're getting that Cabezazo guy from Fermionic, you know how bad we need a good placekicker. Just leave your stuff with the equipment manager and he'll give you your plane tickets. It's been great having you guys with us for last season, good luck at your new school.

Limey Frog

Full Member
At Georgia or in Georgia because I really don’t believe the 3rd string QB at Arizona State would going to Georgia.
He may be changing at Jackson-Hartfield, especially if he's flying Delta. He could be going anywhere from there. If he bought from a clearance site like Expedia or Priceline he might even head back west after making his connection.