• The KillerFrogs

Help Out a Former Frog



Let's try and help out former tight end Logan Brock, him and his wife have been in the hospital after the birth of their daughter Zoe. We all probably know how insane medical bills can get, and I shudder to think at what they can reach to when it comes to a newborn.

Just passing along the information, any donation I know would be extremely appreciated be it money or prayers and good thoughts.

Here's the link:


Ron Swanson

Full Member

I went through something very similar and the med center parking every single day, compounded with your annual max-out-of-pocket, plus they have to pay for gas and hotels I imagine (which we didn’t have to cause we lived so close).... gets pretty pricey

Also, our experience was with our first child. It’s gotta be way harder going through a NICU stay with 3 other kids to deal with at home.