• The KillerFrogs

FWST: College football needs a division of its own


Lifelong Frog
FWST: College football needs a division of its own

By Big Steaming Pile
tengel@ star-telegram.com

Warren Buffett recently said he wants the federal government to increase his taxes and Congress to quit coddling the super rich. He made no mention of a need to stop coddling conference commissioners and university presidents, so I will.

The time has come to lump athletic directors and the presidents of state universities in with Congress. These people are so busy protecting their own pockets that both common sense and practicality have been evicted from their jobs.

What is going on in College Station with the Texas A&M board of regents meeting to decide whether to reclassify A&M's relationship with the SEC from bar-room flirt to hot-and-heavy pursuit is not the issue at hand. This thing is done.

Accept this: Texas A&M is going to join the SEC, thus killing the ideal of old-school rivalries and the tradition as we know it between Aggies/Horns, Aggies/Red Raiders, Aggies/Bears, etc. Oklahoma will soon try to fly to the right or left coast, and the Sooners will be dragging OSU with them at T. Boone's insistence. ...


FWST: College football needs a division of its own

By Big Steaming Pile
tengel@ star-telegram.com

Warren Buffett recently said he wants the federal government to increase his taxes and Congress to quit coddling the super rich. He made no mention of a need to stop coddling conference commissioners and university presidents, so I will....

There are some really awkwardly written parts of that article, but ultimately, I think his argument comes down to this:

Let Football and maybe men's basketball set up conferences independent of the non-revenue sports, as the big 2 are the only ones for whom TV money is a big deal.

This is not a bad idea, really, although I don't think it needs a meandering, unfocused column to suggest it. There are side dishes of anger at both Aggy and Title IX, but neither of those notions goes anywhere.


Full Member
HE's a day late and a dollar short--the traditional rivalries thing went out the window in the 90's when the SWC let the idiots in the press convince them that they HAD to do something. The SWC had more tradition and history than any other conference in the country and the fools in charge decided that money trumped anything else (after starving us for a few years and promising they wouldn't leave if we allowed it). IN fact, I'd blame a good portion of what's happened to college football on DeLoss Dodds. He's a cancer on college football.