• The KillerFrogs

Frogs v UTPA (Wednesday)

Pharm Frog

Full Member
Meanwhile, Mrs. Pharm is on her way home from church. I would have thought that the study of Revelation would have taken a bit longer, but I've gotta run or Armageddon may break out here at the Pharm house. I'll check back periodically but won't be able to give much in the way of updates.

Pharm Frog

Full Member
Just came back and see that it's over. Frogs win 5 to 1. Frogs out-hit UTPA 7 to 6. Apparently, Crichton came in to close it out. Don't know yet but it may be one of those situations when the starting pitcher gets the win even though he didn't complete 5 innings. By pre-arrangement and the use of three pitchers, this can happen. If Frey doesn't get the win, then it will go to Appleby.


Full Member
Meanwhile, Mrs. Pharm is on her way home from church. I would have thought that the study of Revelation would have taken a bit longer, but I've gotta run or Armageddon may break out here at the Pharm house. I'll check back periodically but won't be able to give much in the way of updates.

Appreciate the updates. Does not appear the world has ended. That, or I was left behind.

Pharm Frog

Full Member
Appreciate the updates. Does not appear the world has ended. That, or I was left behind.

If so, I am right here with you (as is Mrs. Pharm which would be quite a shocker I must say). For those who may still be following this thread, Frey does pick up the win with four innings of really solid pitching.


Active Member
If so, I am right here with you (as is Mrs. Pharm which would be quite a shocker I must say). For those who may still be following this thread, Frey does pick up the win with four innings of really solid pitching.
Good first outing by Frey. Schloss said on the pregame show that he needed pitchers to step and throw innings, more specifically strikes. Out of his 50 pitches, 33 were strikes.

Pharm Frog

Full Member
Good first outing by Frey. Schloss said on the pregame show that he needed pitchers to step and throw innings, more specifically strikes. Out of his 50 pitches, 33 were strikes.

I don't get to hear the pre-game show as it's not part of the gofrogs.com broadcast. I will have to tune into KTCU a little earlier to catch the pre-game commentary. I agree that was a really solid outing for the youngster. And, strike ratios of around 67% are usually pretty good. Anything higher and hitters may get a little too cozy in the box and become acutely agressive knowing that pitches will be in the zone. I wish I could have kept a chart on my favorite type of strikes: those that are swung at and are not in the zone. His breaking ball seemed to induce a number of these.....


Active Member
Unbelievably small crowd. It appears that students have completely abandoned the baseball team? Two nights in a row that the attendance was terrible. And Sangria Wine calls many of us "bandwagon" fans.


Full Member
Yes, a far cry from "Hurry up and expand the stadium some more so that we can fit all the students in for free"

And it was a great night for baseball...


Active Member
As a student, it's just tough to get to the ballpark on tuesday or wednesday nights.

I spent about 3 hours in the library tonight, and I MAYBE could've made it to the game too if I skipped working out and grocery shopping earlier, it's just hard to make it during the week.

Weekends there's no excuses though.


Full Member
Totally understand. I ws actually just making fun of a student who came on here demanding stadium expansion after opening weekend.

Kudos to your 3hrs in the library


Active Member
As a student, it's just tough to get to the ballpark on tuesday or wednesday nights.

I spent about 3 hours in the library tonight, and I MAYBE could've made it to the game too if I skipped working out and grocery shopping earlier, it's just hard to make it during the week.

Weekends there's no excuses though.

I spent many week nights in the Library when I was at TCU also--mostly playing shuffle board and drinking beer though. One dollar pitchers and the best hamburgers in town.

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