• The KillerFrogs

Diehards: Deante Gray calls debate over paying players ‘laughable’ after NCAA earnings report


Active Member
I think that basically all of this thread is lost to the main point, and that is what I referenced in a post at the beginning.

That is to say that the vast majority of the NCAA's revenue comes from college BASKETBALL (look it up), and that FOOTBALL media deals are signed through CONFERENCES, not the NCAA. Deante, seriously get out of here with your terrible take, you sound dumb.

UNLESS you believe that, regardless of how much revenue you bring in, you should be paid X,Y or Z.

It's a bad take, and yet so many people have it because they just want to toe a party line at 30,000 feet instead of actually dig in and have an informed opinion.

The internet and all of it's wonderful spectrum of opinions gives me so much joy these days.


Active Member
My biggest problem:
Tennis student athlete takes internship at Nike based on his/her own merit. Must wear Nike apparel to work etc. They CAN NOT shop at the on campus Nike store as it is an "extra benefit" as classified by the NCAA because they offer sales not seen anywhere else.

Sheer stupidity.