• The KillerFrogs

Dan Jenkins in brief


Full Member
Could be many comments like this, but Dan Jenkins was a wordsmith deluxe....Some of my favorite sentences from "You Gotta Play Hurt"...

"It's called life, James. You get a degree, you get a job, you work hard, you make money, you get married, then you have your own kid who stays in college eight years."

"He said he was so tired, he couldn't cornhole a big-ass goat."

"A country male vocalist named Marty Epps was singing, 'His Boil Was so Big, All the Girls Called Him Lance.'"

"...Juanita had written some...songs that made her famous....such as 'He didn't Need Algebra to Think Up a Threesome.'"

"I write words...sentences...paragraphs. Quite a few paragraphs at times. A lot of sentence putting-togetherness, paragraph wise."