• The KillerFrogs

Campus Rush: TCU's Boykin stands up to animal cruelty


Lifelong Frog
Campus Rush: TCU's Boykin stands up to animal cruelty
By Thayer Evans and Pete Thamel
As TCU quarterback Trevone Boykin sat in a McDonald's last summer staring at his double cheeseburger and chicken sandwich, he began to question what he was about to eat. "It just did not look right to me," Boykin told The Inside Read. "The meat didn't look right."
That moment of clarity inspired Boykin to research fast food. As the owner of two pit bulls he treats like his children, a male named Taz and a female named Cookie, he was disturbed by what he found. He quickly became familiar with factory farming, large industrial indoor farms where livestock is mass produced. He was shocked to learn that chicks are ground up alive at some chicken hatcheries.
It was enough for Boykin to stop eating fast food completely, which helped him drop 20 pounds (he now weighs 205) and become one of college football's most dynamic playmakers last season. ...
Cruelty and abuse to animals should not be tolerated. However, hopefully, he will kick the living (censor) out
of a certain 'bear' residing in Waco. 